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更新时间:2022-11-07 23:06:26











▲ 拉涅利把一群渴望重生的球员召集到了一起。













At the start of the 2015/16 Premier Leaguefootball season, the bookmaker’s odds of American rock star Elvis Presley beingfound alive were 1000-1. A the same time, the bookmakers odds for LeicesterCity winning the Premier League were 5000-1.

Elvis Presley has yet to be found,Leicester are heading-off for a summer break prior to playing their first evergames in the UEFA Champions League, and one Leicester-based gambler is £250,000wealthier.

Speculation is already rife about whichplayers will leave City, with Juventus and Barcelona reportedly having bid forN’Golo Kante and Riyad Mahrez respectively. While some media commentators aresuggesting that even coach Claudio Ranieri will leave the club, bookmakers arealready taking bets on Leicester City getting relegated next season.

At the same time, many people continue toask how Leicester managed to win the Premier League. Apart from BlackburnRovers in 1995 (a club which, at that time, was incredibly well resourced), theleague has been dominated by the usual suspects throughout the entirety of itshistory. Yet City have somehow given hope to other clubs that they too canemulate the champions’ success.

One feature of Leicester City has been theway in which the team has added-up to more of the sum of its parts. In partthis is due to Ranieri, who always seems to build teams that are strong andcohesive, with foundations based on passion, soul and fight. Indeed, theItalian has often emphasised in press conferences how much heart his players have.

Such public displays of belief in hisplayers have always been a characteristic of Ranieri’s management style. Yet heis a modest, self-effacing man too; when asked in interviews about the leaguetriumph the day after Leicester won the league, his response was “I don’t knowhow we did it, but the players and the fans were important.”

Perhaps this is one of the reasonsLeicester succeeded: Ranieri made the players, team and club the focus ofattention, not himself. This stands in stark contract to the ‘cult of manager’which often characterises English football. Contrast the Italian with JoseMourinho; always bigger than his teams, the Portuguese was out of form, out ofluck and out of a job before Christmas.

The team that Ranieri built was importanttoo, as it was a team arguably cast in the same image as the coach. DannyDrinkwater and Danny Simpson were Manchester United cast-offs; Jamie Vardy wasa journeyman professional turning-out for lower league teams; Marc Albrightonand Robert Huth were failing players in failing teams; Kante and Mahrez wereunknowns from the French league.

By bringing together a group of playersseeking a second chance, a new beginning, Leicester’s and Ranieri’s faith inthem brought out the best in men who are now world famous. Unlike Chelsea,Manchester City and Manchester United this season, one lesson of City’s victoryis that success is not necessarily bought, it is built and engendered.

Jamie Vardy has become emblematic ofLeicester’s rise, having gone from being an amateur, non-league footballer withStocksbridge Park Steels to becoming an England national team regular. But if it wasn’t for the skill of LeicesterCity’s scouts, Vardy may never have been spotted and may never have played inthe Premier League.

City’s scouting network is not only basedon the breadth and depth of its reach, it is also renowned for the way in whichits targets players. The club’s scouts don’t just look for the most skilfulplayers, rather they seek to identify talent that fits with the club’s ethos ofhard work and togetherness. Hence, players are not just recruited because oftheir performance statistics but also for how they are as people. This approachhas been so successful that Arsenal have already poached two of LeicesterCity’s most important scouts.

Little more than a year ago, the club wasbottom of the Premier League and about to be relegated. Yet a late rally underthe club’s somewhat unorthodox former manager (Nigel Pearson) resulted in theclub escaping a drop in to the Championship. The patience and faith shown inPearson by the club’s owners was an important part of this season’s resurgenceand an indication of their leadership style.

Many teams in the Premier League have avoracious appetite for new managers, most notably the likes of Chelsea, AstonVilla and Watford. However, Leicester’s Thai owners seem to have gone abouttheir business in a much calmer, more considered way. They appear to havefostered a culture of togetherness which at the same time seems to emphasisepatience and strategic thinking.

Although they have been in charge since2010, the King Power International Group have not been prone to sack theirmanagers nor to engage in wasteful expenditure on highly paid, under-performingtalent. Equally, there move to a new stadium and gradual playing improvement onthe field have set a benchmark for clubs that are often lead more turbulentexistences.

Where Leicester City go from here will beinteresting – one assumes that they won’t be relegated from the Premier League;many people from the city are hoping that the team won’t be repeatedlyembarrassed in the Champions League. Building sustainable success will be adifficult task, which means the pressure is on Claudio Ranieri and his scoutsacquire talent that bring more playing success but by fitting into anestablished team culture.

How City convert playing success intofinancial success will also be an issue. There are clear opportunities aheadfor Leicester, ranging from the commercial opportunities the Champions League willbring through to the potential overseas fan engagement the club’s fairy talesuccess seems to be bringing.

One decision the club does face is what todo with its shirt sponsorship deal. Valued at only £1 million per year, thefirst-team’s shirts carry the King Power of the club’s owners. The owners maysee some value in continuing with such an arrangement. However, when clubs likeManchester United and Chelsea have shirt sponsorship deals worth £70 million ormore, Leicester need to consider whether they would be better off finding aglobal sponsor who will pay them more money.

How the club’s owners respondedstrategically to the new operating conditions the club now faces could welldetermine whether or not relegation odds are an accurate measure of howsustainable Leicester’s success this season actually is. It may seem like thestart of next season, in August, is a long way away. But football moves fastand is an unforgiving business; as such, Leicester City rapidly need to makesome important decisions. Especially if they are to continue defying Britain’sbookmakers.



Simon Chadwick is 'Class of 92' Professor of Sports Enterprise at Salford University Manchester and Director of Research for the 2022 Qatar World Cup. He has worked with many of the world's leading sports organisations including FC Barcelona, UEFA, the Bundesliga, Adidas, Michelin Motorsport, the International Tennis Federation, Deloitte and Repucom.
