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直播吧篮球比分188(「键盘侠」巴特勒横扫森林狼队内赛 怼天怼地纯爷们?)

更新时间:2022-10-27 06:39:35

直播吧篮球比分188(「键盘侠」巴特勒横扫森林狼队内赛 怼天怼地纯爷们?)

直播吧10月11日讯 根据Woj报道,一直公开对队友的懒散作风表示不满,并要求转会的森林狼球星吉米-巴特勒,在最近的一次队内训练中高调亮相,不仅怼教练怼队友,还在队内训练赛中带领三阵板凳球员横扫一阵主力,而后对教练组大喷垃圾话"你们tm没我不行",着实把这次转会风波推向了高潮。围绕着这个精彩的话题,美国著名键盘侠聚集地Reddit讨论热烈。摘录一些有趣或高赞数的评论如下:







itzReborn 3.5k points 16 hours ago

I mean he not wrong


Derrick Rose jeric13xd 2.3k points 16 hours ago

Dude worked hard from being the last guy on our bench to an All-NBA caliber player


Bulls BUD7993 522 points 15 hours ago

Dude went junior college to All-NBA caliber player.


Sarah-Slayz 138 points 10 hours ago

Dude went from an infant to an All-NBA caliber player.



VenerableHate 592 points 16 hours ago

Would love to see him make that last leap to MVP, would be such a good inspiration to see a guy make the full grind up the way to MVP.


phishyreefer 223 points 15 hours ago

He and Westbrook would destroy


YourCummyBear 184 points 15 hours ago

Those mentalities together lol.


Bucks mastersergeant98 129 points 14 hours ago

Be like Goku and Vegeta honestly


rectalrocket42 245 points 13 hours ago

More like Vegeta and Vegeta honestly



Bulls KredditH 275 points 15 hours ago

Imagine you're Thibs.

You're the most intense coach in the league. You're so obsessed with winning that game in the moment that you even play guys too many minutes once the game is clearly decided. You have hard practices, demand tip-top conditioning, and have won 50 games almost every year of your coaching career.

Now you have this guy with a rare, inspired work ethic. He's a guy you've had on your team since your second year coaching in the league. He's the crazy player who is just as devoted and intense as you are, and then you even manage to trade for him, giving up some good players, so he can help you take a step toward the playoffs.

Now he suddenly wants out after you guys finally make the playoffs? No wonder Thibs looks crazy trying to hope he stays and turning down offers. I'd be going crazy too trying to get that guy to stay


身为联盟中最苛刻的教练之一。你对胜利充满执念,以至于有时候比赛胜负已定,你仍会让一些球员打上很多时间。你对球队的训练很严格,要求队员在健身房也要练到极致,在你执教生涯中几乎每个赛季都能获得50 胜。



firepandas 186 points 14 hours ago

Playing guys too many minutes is not being obsessed with winning; it is being irresponsible. His job is to manage the players effectively and make them function as a cohesive unit. If your zeal causes your best players to be worn out and ragged almost every night, you are not doing your job effectively and you are not maximizing your winning potential.



Warriors destined123 402 points 16 hours ago

Man, I really like Jimmy, dudes such a fucking beast.


Malik Sealy onken022 151 points 16 hours ago

Shit me too. I kinda hope he sticks around this season now. KAT and Wigs need an alpha breathing down their neck.


Bulls hv_newaccount 63 points 15 hours ago

What's the pulse of the Wolves's fanbase on this situation right now? It feels like there's an extremely vocal minority shitting on him, but when I checked the Wolves sub earlier it seemed to primarily be the comments praising his work ethic that are getting upvoted. Is it a brigading thing or does the fanbase actually like him?


Malik Sealy onken022 144 points 15 hours ago

Honestly, this situation perfectly encapsulates the shit show that is this franchise. It feels like Jimmy is just being a real motherfucker right now and I think we need that. If it leads to the implosion of the team (it won’t) then we weren’t gonna do anything worthwhile anyways.



Rockets Texan628 720 points 16 hours ago

I've never seen a guy just shit all over his teammates like Butler has and it's fucking amazing.


Dylkim 464 points 15 hours ago

There’s this guy name Kobe.


Rockets MrDenimChicken 94 points 12 hours ago

yeah but this has been so public and and it seems directly shaming the other 2 "stars" on the team.


Dylkim 310 points 12 hours ago edited 12 hours ago

Kobe told Smush to not talk to him because he was trash.

Kobe called his entire team charmin soft.

Kobe publicly destroyed Jr Ryder after Ryder talked shit.

Kobe almost fought Shaq after Shaq talked shit.

I honestly believe Kobe and MJ would be far more despised if social media was as relevant back than.







Raptors takeyababynoharambe 289 points 16 hours ago

I mean, I agree with the Wiggins comment, but tbh leaping ability is such small drop in the bucket in terms of “god given talent”


Jorge Garbajosa wikiman2001 250 points 15 hours ago

He does have the talent. He could be a superstar in the league but he doesn't seem to give a shit


Raptors fabrar 151 points 11 hours ago

Wiggins legit has the tools and the potential to be a Kobe-level player. Size, strength, speed, hops, he's got it all from a physical standpoint to be a transcendental 2-way player. In fact, we've seen flashes of it, albeit all too rarely, throughout his career. What he's missing is the heart, passion and killer mentality and those play a huuuuge role. If you don't care about being the best and don't put the effort in, you're not getting there no matter how physically gifted you are.



Lakers DudeWTH 1.0k points 16 hours ago edited 16 hours ago

If KAT and Wiggs played as hard as Butler, they'd be a playoff team

Edit: without needing Butler



Celtics sahsan10 293 points 16 hours ago

I mean...they were


Lakers DudeWTH 373 points 16 hours ago

Yeah but without Butler



James Worthy NaciremaBlack 2.6k points 16 hours ago

Am I being tough on him ? Yeah, that's who am I," he said. "I'm not the most talented coach in the league. Who is the most talented coach on our planet -- Pop. Who is the most god-gifted coach on our planet-Stevens.Who plays their players hardest? Me! I coach hard. I put their careers (on the line)every day"


Bulls ClaymoresRevenge 322 points 16 hours ago

Today was made for meming and pasta. Thank you for the laugh



【帖子二】Woj推文:根据线人消息,森林狼队内赛进行到一半的时候,巴特勒朝总经理斯科特-雷登(Scott Layden)大喊:“你们tm需要我。没有我你们赢不了球”。巴特勒怼得队友和教练大都面面相觑哑口无言。无论从何种意义上来讲,巴特勒都统治了当时的森林狼训练馆。这个男人回来了。 - Woj

直播吧篮球比分188(「键盘侠」巴特勒横扫森林狼队内赛 怼天怼地纯爷们?)

Spurs stevntiny 5.2k points 1 day ago

You’re right we can’t win without you which is why we will not trade you. -Thibs

马刺球迷:你说的没错。失去你我们没法赢球,所以我们死都不会交易你。—— 锡伯杜

Timberwolves ygduf 1.4k points 1 day ago

Hope he's prepared to average 48min/game.


Squalor- 1.0k points 1 day ago

If he dies, he dies. - Also Thibs

如果他死了,他就是死了。 —— 还是锡伯杜

Raptors intecknicolour 143 points 1 day ago

derrick rose cries somewhere.


Raptors A_Dachshund 324 points 1 day ago

It's going to be over 48 min/game. If a game ever goes to over time he might bring it up to 49 min/game.


Celtics 13143 185 points 1 day ago

Just like we never thought another player could average a triple double over the entire season, we never thought we'd see a player break Wilt's minutes played per game.

Thibs making history out here.




Giannis Antetokounmpo CaptainBananaEu 168 points 1 day ago

Idk but I know if he stays I am watching every single Timberwolves game this year.


rcolesworthy37 83 points 1 day ago

Tbh, if we fire Thibs and nab a Ty Lue like coach and just have Jimmy run the the show with 4 other players scared shitless of him on the court, it would be fun to watch for a bit. Probably wouldn’t work past 20 games, but it would be fun



Rockets rickypiedra 765 points 1 day ago

That's it, he's getting traded lmao, how would this team function in the regular season


bombingwinger 603 points 1 day ago

By falling in line. If Jimmy can turn up and do whatever he wants then he's clearly the lead dog.


Pelicans imahsleep 721 points 1 day ago

Thibs is out, Jimmy in as coach, GM and a starter for the twolves who finish the year 82-0. Instead of tactful timeouts, Jimmy just calls timeouts to yell at Wiggins for his defensive breakdowns and low motor.


Bulls GunnarBomaye 163 points 1 day ago

And don’t forget yelling at KAT because he won’t stop stealing Jimmy’s rebounds



Lakers YaBoiBeefCat 511 points 1 day ago

Butler: Kicks locker room door open "Who is ready to practice?" Rubs hands together

Thibs: Wipes sweat off forehead with a slice of pizza "Oh thank god. Jim, it is great to see you. I was worried when you didn't respond to any of my late night texts."

KAT: "Ay T, I thought I told you I wouldn't sign a contract unless this bum was gone."

Thibs: "Karl, practice starts in five minutes, we can talk about Andrew later."

KAT: "I'm not practicing then. You have the end of the day before I replace you with Flip's corpse."

Butler: "I'll be on the court, anyone who doesn't show up is the pussy I thought they were."

Rose: "Well I am going out, we men."

Wiggins: Holds cardboard cutout of Ricky Rubio in the corner









Raptors beerdude111 133 points 1 day ago

Wiggins: Holds cardboard cutout of Ricky Rubio in the corner

I'm dying.

At the same time, anyone ask Rubio how he feels about his former team going through all this drama?



Jazz -jupa- 147 points 1 day ago

"Friendship ended with Andrew Wiggins. Now Donovan Mitchell is my best friend."



notIsugarpie 188 points 1 day ago

I have this mental image of Jimmy going Super-Saiyan in practice, and Layden, KAT and Wiggins huddled together muttering to themselves: "there's no way his power level is that high."

To which Jimmy answers: this isn't even my final form!



abdiel0MG 18 points 1 day ago

This is the nba in anime version.



Raptors JamesHar_en 5.0k points 1 day ago

Woj is writing a fanfic holy


LeBron James newhampshiresmash 1.0k points 1 day ago

I can’t wait for the smut chapter


Hornets KeepItRealTV 1.2k points 1 day ago

"You fucking need me...", Jimmy whispered softly in his ear.


Lakers Laker_Fan69 460 points 1 day ago

Thibs softly replies “We need each other...”


Stephen Curry thesnacks 380 points 1 day ago

Foreplay for a full 48 minutes, maybe even overtime.


vomrin 257 points 1 day ago

Foreplay for 82 games and then 1 unsatisfying round of playoffs



Manu Ginobili samkunc1 7.6k points 1 day ago

Amin el Hassan just said on the Jump that he heard this isn’t all that happened, he also heard that Jimmy took the third stringers and beat the starters in scrimmage


NBA zxc123zxc123 2.6k points 1 day ago

Demand trade and team doesn't trade you.

Go into practice and beat the starters with rookies.

At one point in a scrimmage, turn to GM Scott Layden and scream, "You (bleeping) need me. You can't win without me." Then leave teammates and coaches largely speechless. Finally, dominate the gym in every way. Show everyone you back.


1. 要求被交易,但球队不交易你。

2. 去训练场,带着新秀,打爆主力。

3. 在训练中间,对老板叫嚣“你tm的需要我,没有我你们赢不了球。”留下面面相觑的队友和教练。最后征服整个训练馆,告诉所有人你回来了。

4. 发财。

Bulls MundaneInternetGuy 1.2k points 1 day ago

Holy shit that's a straight up Michael Jordan move.

In Jordan`s rookie year, he came close to leaving practice after then-Bulls coach Kevin Loughery forced him to switch teams during a scrimmage. Same stakes, losers run extra. Jordan had led the White squad to a 7-2 lead in a game to 11 when Loughery put him on the Red team. Jordan protested vehemently, but Loughery prevailed. Like a man possessed, Jordan went on a tear and scored seven straight times in leading his team to an eventual 11-8 victory.



SweatyProgrammer 546 points 1 day ago

There are rumors that Jimmy is Jordan's son.


76ers betsyforhope 291 points 1 day ago

Have you ever seen Jordan with hair?

Straight up Jimmy clone



Lakers ok_heh 328 points 1 day ago

I guess this qualifies as supporting evidence


直播吧篮球比分188(「键盘侠」巴特勒横扫森林狼队内赛 怼天怼地纯爷们?)


Folk-Hero 2.5k points 1 day ago

Someone please get the clip.


Lakers vulgarswami_ 461 points 1 day ago

Somebody on twitter actually posted footage of the practice link


直播吧篮球比分188(「键盘侠」巴特勒横扫森林狼队内赛 怼天怼地纯爷们?)

Thunder dreadpirateruss 73 points 1 day ago

The classic "no look" defense

