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更新时间:2022-10-24 11:43:35








主裁(Umpire)和发球裁判(Service Judge)非常好区分,主裁(黑丝龙妈 Iris Metspalu)坐得高,发球裁判眼前有测高仪。


成为世界羽联认证的(BWF)的国际裁判,也要经历从国家级到国际级的过渡。羽毛球裁判员的技术等级分为国家级、一级、二级、三级。获得世界羽毛球联合会与亚洲羽毛球联合会有关裁判技术等级认证者,分别为国际 A 级、国际 B 级、亚洲 A 级、亚洲 B 级,通称为国际级裁判员。


• 扔硬币,决定发球和挑边
• 给观众介绍双方选手
• 记分/报分



• 保证比赛公平公正有礼貌的进行,符合规则中的道德规范
• 触网侵入阻挡等相关违例或发球裁判职责以外的判罚
• 判断是否需要清洁场地,叫保洁阿姨(或保洁大叔、老弟、老妹儿)


• 如果他/她认为司线报的界内/界外错误,有权更正
• 运动有不当行为,有权发黄(警告)/红(对手得一分)/黑牌(逐出场)



• 脚违例:发球时脚移动或踩线
• 发球高度超过1.15米(国际比赛新规则/业余还是过腰)
• 发球时拍头没有指向下方(过手)
• 球拍先打到毛,而不是先击中球拖
• 两次动作(发球动作不连续)


• 保证参赛选手发球合规
• 给参赛选手热身用的羽毛球
• 主裁判同意后,给比赛中的选手换球


• 发球裁判一旦审判发球违例就不可更改











1. 比赛开始前
1.1. 检查衣服
1.1.1. “Let me check the clothing.”
1.1.2. “Your name on the shirt is too big.”
1.1.3. “Your name on the shirt is too small.”
1.1.4. “The name on the shirt is not the same as the name in the BWF database.”
1.1.5. “Your name is mandatory on the shirt.”
1.1.6. “The name must be near the top of the shirt.”
1.1.7. “The Member name is mandatory on the shirt.”
1.1.8. “The Member name on the shirt is too big.”
1.1.9. “The Member name on the shirt is too small.”
1.1.10. “You have more adverts on your clothing than is allowed.”
1.1.11. “The adverts on the shirt are not in the permitted locations.”
1.1.12. “The advert is too big.”
1.1.13. “The Member Association advert is not registered with BWF.”
1.1.14. “You have more than one advert in the advertising band.”
1.1.15. “You have visible adverts on the underclothing.”
1.1.16. “Your colour of clothing is not significantly different from your opponent’s.”
1.1.17. “You must wear the same colour clothing as your partner.”
1.1.18. “Do you have any other colour of clothing?”
1.1.19. “You have to change your colour of clothing.”
1.1.20. “If you do not change your shirt you will be fined.”
1.1.21. “The lettering on the shirt must be in a contrasting colour to the colour of
the shirt.”
1.1.22. “The lettering on the shirt is not visible.”
1.1.23. “The lettering on the shirt must be in a single colour.”
1.1.24. “The lettering on the shirt must be in capital letters.”
1.1.25. “The lettering on the shirt must be in the Roman alphabet.”
1.1.26. “The lettering sequence is wrong.”
1.1.27. “Taping is not allowed.”
1.2. 扔硬币挑边儿:
1.2.1. “Come here for the toss.”
1.2.2. “You won the toss.”
1.2.3. “What do you choose?”
1.2.4. “Who will serve?”
1.2.5. “Choose your end.”
1.2.6. “Who will receive?”
1.2.7. “The opponent(s) chose to receive first, so you will serve first.”
1.2.8. “The opponent(s) chose to serve first, so you will receive first.”
1.2.9. “The opponent(s) chose ends. Do you wish to serve or receive first?”
1.3. 其它:
1.3.1. “Switch off your mobile phone.”
1.3.2. “Line up for the march-on.”
1.3.3 “Place your bag properly in the basket.”
1.3.4. “Ready to play.”
2. 开始比赛
2.1. 介绍
W, X, Y, Z are names of players and A, B, C, D are names of Members.
To start the first game of the match, the Umpire shall call:
2.1.1. Singles Tournament
“Ladies and Gentlemen; on my right, ‘X, A’; and on my left, ‘Y, B’. ‘X’ to serve; love
all; play.”
2.1.2. Singles Team Tournament
“Ladies and Gentlemen; on my right, ‘A’, represented by ‘X’; and on my left, ‘B’,
represented by ‘Y’. ‘A’ to serve; love all; play.”
2.1.3. Doubles Tournament
“Ladies and Gentlemen; on my right, ‘W, A’ and ‘X, B’; and on my left, ‘Y, C’ and ‘Z,
D’. ‘X’ to serve to ‘Y’; love all; play.”
If doubles partners represent the same Member, announce the Member name after
announcing both players’ names (e.g. ‘W and X, A’).
2.1.4. Doubles Team Tournament
“Ladies and Gentlemen; on my right, ‘A’, represented by ‘W’ and ‘X’; and on my left,
‘B’, represented by ‘Y’ and ‘Z’. ‘A’ to serve; ‘X’ to ‘Y’; love all; play.”
2.2. To start the second game, the Umpire shall call:
“Second game; love all; play.”
(Unless there has been a fault for misconduct during the interval).
2.3. To start the final game, the Umpire shall call:
“Final game; love all; play.”
(Unless there has been a fault for misconduct during the interval).
3. 比赛过程中
3.1. 比赛进程和违例:
3.1.1. “Service over.”
3.1.2. “Fault.”
3.1.3. “Let.”
3.1.4. “Out.”
3.1.5. “Interval.”
3.1.6. “Play a let.”
3.1.7. “Change ends.”
3.1.8. “You did not change ends.”
3.1.9. “Court ... (number, if more than one court is used) 20 seconds.”
3.1.10. “... game point ...” e.g. “20 game point 6.”, or “29 game point 28.”
3.1.11. “... match point ...” e.g. “20 match point 8.”, or “29 match point 28.”
3.1.12. “... game point all.” e.g. “29 game point all.”
3.1.13. “… match point all.” e.g. “29 match point all.”
3.1.14. “Service Judge – signal, please.”
3.1.15. “You hit the shuttle on your opponent’s side of the net.”
3.1.16. “The shuttle touched you.”
3.1.17. “You touched the net.”
3.1.18. “You touched the post.”
3.1.19. “A shuttle came on the court.”
3.1.20. “The shuttle did not distract or obstruct you.”
3.1.21. “You obstructed your opponent.”
3.1.22. “You deliberately distracted your opponent.”
3.1.23. “You hit the shuttle twice.”
3.1.24. “You slung the shuttle.”
3.1.25. “You invaded your opponent’s court.”
3.1.26. “The shuttle touched the ground before you hit it.”
3.1.27. “The shuttle touched the ceiling.”
3.2. 发球/接发球:
3.2.1. “Right service court.”
3.2.2. “Left service court.”
3.2.3. “You missed the shuttle during service.”
3.2.4. “Do not serve before the receiver is ready.”
3.2.5. “The receiver was not ready.”
3.2.6. “Your partner was not ready.”
3.2.7. “Your opponent was not ready.”
3.2.8. “You attempted to return the service.”
3.2.9. “You served from the wrong service court.”
3.2.10. “You served out of turn.”
3.2.11. “You received out of turn.”
3.2.12. “You blocked the receiver’s view of the shuttle during service.”
3.2.13. “Both you and your partner hit the shuttle.”
3.3. 换球:
3.3.1. “Is the shuttle OK?”
3.3.2. “Change the shuttle.”
3.3.3. “Do not change the shuttle.”
3.3.4. “Change.”
3.3.5. “No change.”
3.3.6. “Return the shuttle.”
3.3.7. “Return the shuttle properly.”
3.3.8. “You must ask me for permission to change the shuttle.”
3.3.9. “Test the shuttle.”
3.3.10. “Do not test the shuttle.”
3.3.11. “You must not interfere with the speed of the shuttle.”
3.4. 界内界外 / 鹰眼挑战:
3.4.1. “Line Judge – signal, please.”
3.4.2. “Line Judge – repeat your signal, please.”
3.4.3. “I clearly saw the shuttle land in.”
3.4.4. “I clearly saw the shuttle land out.”
3.4.5. “The Line Judge made a correct call.”
3.4.6. “Correction IN.”
3.4.7. “Correction OUT.”
3.4.8. “Unsighted.”
3.4.9. “The call is IN, do you wish to challenge?”
3.4.10. “The call is OUT, do you wish to challenge?”
3.4.11. “You did not challenge immediately.”
3.4.12. “You do not have any challenges remaining in this game.”
3.4.13. “…… (name of player) challenges, Called [IN].”
3.4.14. “…… (name of player) challenges, Called [OUT].”
3.4.15 “….. (name of team) challenges, Called [IN].”
3.4.16 “….. (name of team) challenges, Called [OUT].”
3.4.17. “The IRS result was ‘No decision’.”
3.4.18. “Challenge unsuccessful.”
3.4.19. “One challenge remaining.”
3.4.20. “No challenges remaining.”
3.4.21. “The IRS is not working; no challenges can be made.”
3.4.22. “The IRS is now working; challenges can be made.”
3.5. Influencing TO:
3.5.1. “You tried to influence the Service Judge.”
3.5.2. “You tried to influence the Line Judge.”
3.5.3. “You must not influence the Line Judge.”
3.5.4. “You must not influence the Service Judge.”
3.5.5. “Do not shout or signal before the Line Judge gives a decision.”
3.6. 约束教练:
3.6.1. “Coach(es) return to your chair(s).”
3.6.2. “Your coach distracted your opponent.”
3.6.3. “Your coach disrupted play.”
3.6.4. “Do not seek coaching.”
3.6.5. “Do not coach after the players have taken up position for the next service.”
3.6.6. “Do not coach during the rally.”
3.6.7. “Do not step over the A-board.”
3.6.8. “Do not get up from your chair until the rally is over.”
3.6.9. “Coach, move your chair back to its original position.”
3.7. 受伤:
3.7.1. “Are you OK?”
3.7.2. “Can you play on?”
3.7.3. “Do you need the doctor?”
3.7.4. “Are you retiring?”
3.7.5. “You can have spray from the doctor only once in a match except during the
3.7.6. “The bleeding needs to be treated before you can continue.”
3.8. 擦地:
3.8.1. “Wipe the court, please.”
3.8.2. “Show the court attendant where to wipe the court.”
3.8.3. “Use your foot to wipe the court.”
3.8.4. “No sweat throwing.”
3.8.5. “Do not fall intentionally.”
3.9. 继续比赛:
3.9.1. “On court.”
3.9.2. “No delay.”
3.9.3. “Play.”
3.9.4. “Play on.”
3.9.5. “Play now.”
3.9.6. “Play must be continuous.”
3.9.7. “Players back on court.”
3.9.8. “…… (name of player) back on court.”
3.9.9. “Get ready quicker.”
3.9.10. “Quick towel only.”
3.9.11. “Quick drink only.”
3.9.12. “You must ask my permission to have a drink.”
3.9.13. “You must not take so long to cut your strings.”
3.10. 行为不端:
3.10.1. “Come here.”
3.10.2. “Do not raise your fist towards your opponent(s).”
3.10.3. “Do not shout at your opponent.”
3.10.4. “You must not scream so loudly.”
3.10.5. “You must use your best effort.”
3.10.6. “You must shake hands before celebrating.”
3.10.7. “…… (name of player) warning for misconduct.”
3.10.8. “…… (name of player) fault for misconduct.”
3.10.9. “…… (name of player) disqualified for misconduct.”
3.11. 暂停比赛:
3.11.1. “Play is suspended.”
3.12. 其它:
3.12.1. “The scoreboard is not working.”
3.12.2. “Your new shirt must be of the same colour and similar design to your
original shirt.”
3.12.3. “Are you ready?”
4. 关于违例的解释
4.1. “Service fault called, too high.”
4.2. “Service fault called, racket head.”
4.3. “Service fault called, foot.”
4.4. “Service fault called, continuous motion.”
4.5. “Service fault called, base of shuttle.”
4.6. “Service fault called, undue delay.”
4.7. “Service fault called, shuttle missed.”
4.8. “Service fault called, receiver fault called, play a let.”
4.9. “Fault receiver, foot.”
4.10. “Fault server, foot.”
4.11. “Fault receiver, undue delay.”
4.12. “Fault server, undue delay.”
5. 警告和违例
5.1. “Racket abuse.”
5.2. “You threw the racket dangerously.”
5.3. “Verbal abuse.”
5.4. “You used unacceptable language.”
5.5. “You shouted at your opponent.”
5.6. “You screamed excessively.”
5.7. “You raised your fist in the direction of your opponent.”
5.8. “You tried to influence the Service Judge.”
5.9. “You tried to influence the Line Judge.”
5.10. “Shuttle abuse.”
5.11. “You interfered with the speed of the shuttle.”
5.12. “Physical abuse.”
5.13. “Equipment abuse.”
5.14. “You kicked the A-board.”
5.15. “You hit the net.”
5.16. “You hit the chair.”
5.17. “You hit the equipment box.”
5.18. “You hit the service measuring device.”
5.19. “Delay.”
5.20. “You delayed the service.”
5.21. “You refused to follow my instructions.”
5.22. “You refused to play on.”
5.23. “You left the court without permission.”
5.24. “You were late getting back onto court.”
5.25. “Unsportsmanlike conduct.”
5.26. “You made an obscene gesture.”
5.27. “You celebrated in an unsportsmanlike manner.”
5.28. “Your mobile phone rang.”
6. 一局结束/比赛结束
6.1. “Game.”
6.2. “First game won by ‘……’ [name(s) of player(s), or Member (in a Team
Tournament)]‘…….’ (score).”
6.3. “Second game won by ‘......’ [name(s) of player(s), or Member (in a Team
Tournament)]‘…….’ (score).”
6.4. “One game all.”
6.5. “Match won by ’ …..’ [name(s) of player(s), or Member (in a Team
Tournament)] ‘…….’ (scores).”
6.6. “’……’ (name of player) retired. Match won by ‘ ……’ [name(s) of player(s), or Member
(in a Team Tournament)] ‘……’ (scores).”
6.7. “’……’ (name of player) disqualified for misconduct followed by a specific explanation
of the misconduct. Match won by ‘ ……’ [name(s) of player(s), or Member (in a Team
Tournament)] ‘……’ (scores).”
6.8. “Match ended by the Referee. ‘ ……’ [name(s) of player(s)] promoted to the main
draw. ‘ ……’ [name(s) of player(s)] proceed(s) to next round / main draw.”
6.9. In doubles announcements use “and” between the names of the players.
7. 记录表事件相关事项
7.1. I – Injury.
7.2. W – Warning for misconduct.
7.3. F – Fault for misconduct.
7.4. R – Referee called on court.
7.5. S – Suspension.
7.6. Dis – Disqualified by the Referee.
7.7. Ret – Retired.
7.8. Match suspended for X minutes due to power failure.
7.9. [Name of Player] warned for interfering with the shuttle.
7.10. [Name of Player] twisted his ankle and decided to retire.
7.11. Game delayed for X minutes.
7.12. [Name of Player] warned for influencing the Line Judge.
7.13. [Name of Player] warned for delaying the game.
7.14. [Name of Player] faulted for using abusive language. Referee was called on court and
instructed to observe and fault again if necessary.
7.15. [Name of Player] was faulted for pushing the Line Judge. Referee was called on court
and decided to disqualify the player.
7.16. [Name of Player] had a nose bleed. Referee and Tournament Doctor were called on
court. Game delayed for X minutes.
7.17. [Name of Player] injured their right knee. Referee and Tournament Doctor were
called on court. The Tournament Doctor advised the player to retire.
8. 记录表服装事项
8.1. [Name of player] on the shirt is too big.
8.2. [Name of player] on the shirt is too small.
8.3. [Name of player] on the shirt is not the same as the name in the BWF database.
8.4. There is no player name on the shirt of [name of player].
8.5. There is no Member name on the shirt of [name of player].
8.6. The Member name on the shirt of [name of player] is too big.
8.7. The Member name on the shirt of [name of player] is too small.
8.8. There are too many adverts on the [item of clothing] of [name of player/Coach].
8.9. The advert on the shirt of [name of player/Coach] is too big.
8.10. There is more than one advert in the advertising band of [name of player/Coach].
8.11. There are visible adverts on the underclothing of [name of player/Coach].
8.12. [Name of player] refused to change the colour of their clothing.
8.13. [Name of players] wore different colours of clothing.
8.14. [Name of player] not wearing significantly different colour of clothing from the
8.15. The lettering on the shirt of [name of player] is not in a contrasting colour to the
colour of the shirt.
8.16. The lettering on the shirt of [name of player] is not in a single colour.
8.17. The lettering on the shirt of [name of player] is not in capital letters.
8.18. The lettering on the shirt of [name of player] is not in the Roman alphabet.
8.19. The lettering sequence on the shirt of [name of player] is wrong.
8.20. There is taping on the shirt of [name of player/Coach].

9. 比分数字注意事项

除了 0 要读 Love,其它数字跟英语里查数一毛一样的。