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更新时间:2022-10-19 20:26:35



My Dear Chinese Friend,


Finally the day arrived. I can feel the adrenaline running through my hands while I try to describe you what does a World Cup mean to a Latin American. I am literally counting down the hours to the initial kick. I cannot believe that in some hours I will be listening to that initial whistle. The ball will run again, the fans will be cheering up their teams, a new hosting country will be invaded by strange and colorful people radiating happiness. Give me some minutes and I will try to explain with words something that is absolutely irrational and beautiful.



The World cup is not just an international sport event, is cyclical event that divides our lives in stages. We count not only how old we are, but how many world cup finals we remember have watched in our lives. Which is your first world cup, USA 94? France 98? Corea Japan 2002? Generations are defined by the heroes and villains of each world cup.



Do you remember Maradona flying up to the sky and making a goal with his hand?



Do you remember him escaping from fierce British midfielders and defenders like anelegant gazelle just to make the best goal ever in world cups? (Mexico 86).



Or do you remember the desolation face that was painted in the rivalry teams face everytime Ronaldo had the ball in his feet (The Real Ronaldo, The fat one!). (France98)



Is there something more Latino than the sacrifice the Pistolero Suarez did when he stopped a Ghanaian goal with his hand? (South Africa 2010) Do you remember ho whe cried? We cried and we celebrated together when that penalty was shoot outside.



Did you dance with the Colombian team every time they scored a goal during the 2014 world cup?



Do you remember James outstanding goal??




The world cup is a parallel dimension that changes the behavior of Latin Americans.


During one month Latin Americans all of a sudden become punctual and really serious about organization. If we are known because of arriving late everywhere and embracing improvisation, it all changes during this four weeks. Now there is no room for that, It’s the World Cup.



We quickly create different teams that cooperate as a perfect clockwork, one is in charge of buying the alcohol, another one buys everything what is needed to cook agood Sancocho, Asado or empanadas. And one team is in charge of getting ice anyhow,they can buy it, produce it, or even go to the artic pole to get it, but it has to be there. I don’t care how, but there should be ice in order to keep those beers cool. Regarding the food It doesn’t matter what’s the choice, but it has to be a lot. Should be enough for the guests, who will eat as if there is no tomorrow, and also for the unexpected friends guest who will arrive without knowing anyone and will leave with lifelong stories.



The first step of this master plan is to choose the place. Anyone has a big and cozy place? Anyone knows a nice bar with a huge screen where to watch it? Is there a place where the fans of a Latin American team will all gather? The friend of a friend of a friend in a city 50 km away is doing a nice bbq?? Then who has a car?!!. The discussion will be held in advance and will be decided by the vote of the majority.



A world cup football match is not just a 90 minutes game, is an activity that will last a whole day and has to be planned carefully. Let’s be serious and have fun!



3.During the World Cup nothing else matters.

Work? Now? wait just one month please. During the world cup nothing is more important than a football match. If Iceland is playing Nigeria we have to watch it, we need to analyze future possible rivals. Every match is important! Our time is spend in important things, like watching a lot of videos to learn about the tactical issues of each country and to get to know the new young players of each team!!. We need to learn the starting eleven of each team and also their strong and weak points!.



Our whole day will be spend discussing, face to face or in wechatgroups, about which are the best teams, who will make it to the second round,who will be the best player, which team will be a deception, who will be theWorld Champion, and an endless range of topics!!



In our countries we usually are allowed to stop working and gather,at least with colleagues and enjoy your match. If your Boss doesn’t allow youso, then you better say you are sick and you avoid going to work that day! If you are doing business with any of us, don’t you dare calling us or writing us during a world cups match!. So if you are a Chinese Laoban with some LatinAmerican employees don’t expect them to have a productive month! Is cultural!. I have many friends that will seriously consider to quit their job if they are not allowed to watch the world cup.



Experience the World Cup like a Latin American

If there is one word that can describe us is passion. We are really passionate and warm blooded people. Any occasion is a perfect excuse to have a couple of drinks, to laugh at loud, to speak, to discuss vividly, to argue! Rarely a meeting with a Latin American will be a quite night. it doesn’t matter what is the topic: Friends, love, football, gossip, etc. It all will lead to a long discussion where the most important thing is not who is right, but who wins the discussion!.



So my dear Chinese friend, I suggest you to find your nearest Latin American friend. And if you don’t have anyone, just go out, look around you and you will see many of us walking around with our world cup uniform, proudly showing our colors in our t shirt, face, body, everywhere. Come, talk to usbecause the only answer that you will have is a big smile, a warm hug and an invitation to drink something and join us in this very unique life-definingevent.



Join us, laugh, cry, drink, listen to music, dance. We cannot guarantee who will win the Russia 2018 World Cup but we can tell you that Fun is 100% guaranteed.


During one month ,look for us in every corner.





作者:Tristan Vaca Narvaja,



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主编:宋程 责编:小悦君






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