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篮球上肢力量训练计划(DAY THREE 增强躯干强度)

更新时间:2022-10-14 01:28:34

According to McGill , greater torso muscle strength (referred to as torso stiffness) enhances load-bearing capability and facilitates movement and a full transfer of force to the shoulder and hip joints, allowing greater force output and speed of the lower and upper limbs. After all, the ability to withstand higher external forces and resist changes in muscle length or joint position is important in movements like cutting, jumping, and battling opponents for a rebound.


Isometric exercise improves the ability to withstand the external forces applied during an activity . Therefore, isometric muscle actions maintain posture and facilitate the transfer of force through the torso to the limbs, and thus play an integral role in both injury prevention and performance. For example, a basketball athlete might not be required to accelerate a barbell with weight on the court during a game, but at times he or she must push or pull against an opponent to gain a better position. To put it another way, an athlete will still require enough strength to resist and overcome opposing forces while attempting to move forward or jump. Those opposing forces are difficult to replicate in controlled settings. Purposeful, basketball-specific resistance training programs and the exercises that are prescribed should attempt to mimic such an environment.
