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更新时间:2022-07-11 19:09:37


例1. There's a computer in each (every) room of the house. 房子的每个房间都有一台电脑。

例2. Each(Every)time I come here,I get bad service. 我每次来这里都会受到不好的服务。




例3. In an American football match, each team has 11 players on the field at one time. 在美式足球(橄榄球)比赛中,每个队同时有11名球员在场上。(each用作形容词,充当定语,修饰名词team。)

例4. (Every) Each had a different solution to the problem. 每个人对这个问题都有不同的解决方案。(each用作代词,充当句子的主语。)

例5. We (every) each wanted the bedroom with the balcony, so we tossed a coin to decide. 我们每个人都想要带阳台的卧室,所以我们掷硬币决定。(each用作代词,充当句子主语的同位语。)

例6. The cups cost a dollar (every) each. 杯子每只一美元。(each用作副词,充当句子的状语。)


Each指两个及以上的人或物,强调“个体”,通常指“小数目”(a small number)的人或物;every指三个及以上的人或物,强调“整体”,通常指“大数目”(a large number)的人或物,类似all。

例7. There are three boys in the room. (Every) Each boy comes from a different country. 房间里有三个男孩。每个男孩都来自不同的国家。(男孩(boys)只有三个,属于“小数目”,强调“个体”,不是“整体”。)

例8. The book is divided into five chapters and (every) each of these has three sections. 这本书分为五章,每章有三节。(章(chapters)只有五个,属于“小数目”,强调“个体”,不是“整体”。)

例9. I tried to call him two or three times, but (every) each time there was no reply. 我试着给他打了两三次电话,但每次都没有人接。(打电话次数(times)有2-3次,属于“小数目”,强调“个体”,不是“整体”。)

例10. Mary loves reading. She has read (each) every book in the library.玛丽喜欢读书。她读了图书馆里的每一本书。(图书馆的书(book)属于“大数目”,强调“整体”,不是“个体”。)

例11. We all know that (each) every parent worries about their children. 我们都知道,每个父母都在为他们的孩子操心。(父母(parent)是泛指,属于“大数目”,强调“整体”,不是“个体”。)

例12. We had a great party yesterday. I enjoyed every minute of it. 昨天我们举办了一个很好的聚会,我享受聚会的每一分钟。(用分钟(minute)描述聚会(party)属于“大数目”,强调“整体”,不是“个体”。)


例13. When you run, (every) each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down. 当你跑步时,每只脚都会在另一只脚落地之前离开地面。(人有两只脚,each指两个脚中的“每一只”,不用every。)

例14. In a basketball match, five players from (every) each team play on the court at once. 篮球比赛中,每支球队上场球员为5名。(篮球比赛队员分成人数相等的两队,each指两个队中的“每一个”,不用every。)

例15. (Every) Each of the twins has different personalities. 双胞胎之间的性格差别存在着。(双胞胎twins指胎生动物一次怀胎生下两个个体,each指两个人中的“每一个”,不用every。)

例16. He kissed her on(every)each cheek. 他吻了她的脸颊。(脸有两侧,each指两个脸颊中的“每一个”,不用every。)

例17. He was carrying a suitcase in (every)each hand.他双手各拿一个手提箱。(人有两只手,each指两只手中的“每一只”,不用every。)

描述经常重复的行为用every,不用each,意为 “每隔......”,即用every 基数词 (复数)名词。

例18. —How often do you go shopping?' 你多久购物一次?

—(Each)Every day. 每天购物一次。

例19. Trains arrive at a subway station(each)every 5 minutes. 地铁的到站时间间隔是5分钟。

例20. The Olympic Games are held (each) every four years. 奥运会每四年举行一次。



例21. Almost(each)every living person on planet Earth has it. 地球上几乎每个活着的人都有它。

例22. Nearly(each)every media outlet gets it wrong about Joe Rogan. 几乎每家媒体都对乔·罗根都有误解。

例23. Not(each)every noun has a plural form.不是每个名词都有复数形式。