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更新时间:2022-09-21 06:18:03


冬季奥林匹克运动会(Olympic Winter Games),是世界上规模最大的冬季综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,1994年起与夏季奥林匹克运动会相间举行。2022北京冬奥会吉祥物为“冰墩墩”,以熊猫为原型进行设计创作。冰,象征纯洁、坚强,是冬奥会的特点。墩墩,意喻健康、活泼、可爱,契合熊猫的整体形象,象征着冬奥会运动员强壮的身体、坚韧的意志和鼓舞人心的奥林匹克精神。The Olympic Winter Games are the largest comprehensive winter games in the world. The games are held every fouryears and have been held alternately with the summer Olympic Games since 1994. The mascot of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games is “Bing Dwen Dwen”, which is designed and created based on the panda. Dwen Dwen, which means to be healthy, lively and lovely, fits the overall image of the panda and symbolizes the strong body, tough will and inspiring Olympic spirit of winter Olympic athletes.