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更新时间:2022-07-09 20:32:01

Analysis of top 5 picks bust rate since year 2000 (OC) (self.nba)



我曾经考虑过,前五的选秀权到底有多珍贵,而前五顺位的新秀成功的几率又是如何。于是我决定翻翻2000年起的旧账,看看每个顺位诞生出的球队核心球员(多赛季的MVP竞争者,可以作为大当家带队夺冠)、精英全明星(4 全明星阵容和多个NBA最佳阵容)、全明星、先发、水掉的几率都是多少。


球队核心级 - 勒布朗-詹姆斯,德怀特-霍华德,安东尼-戴维斯,卡尔-安东尼-唐斯(我假设他会成长到这一档)

精英级 - 布莱克-格里芬, 约翰-沃尔,姚明,凯里-欧文

全明星级 - 德里克-罗斯(把他放在这儿是因为他的伤病,只有三次全明星和一次NBA最佳阵容),安德鲁-维金斯(假设他能来到这档,可能到不了)

首发级 - 安德鲁-博古特,巴格纳尼(很少首发,但我会把他从水掉那挡拉出来),肯扬-马丁(一次全明星,但更接近一个合格先发球员的水平)

水货级 - 夸梅-布朗,格雷格-奥登,安东尼-本内特



球队核心级 - 凯文-杜兰特

精英级 - 拉马库斯-阿尔德里奇(四次NBA最佳阵容)

全明星级 - 泰森-钱德勒(一次全明星,年度最佳防守球员),贾巴里-帕克(假设他会成长到这档)

首发级 - 奥拉迪波,埃梅卡-奥卡福,埃文-特纳,马文-威廉姆斯,迈克尔-基德-吉尔吉斯特,德安吉洛-拉塞尔(湖人球迷们别杀了我,不过他还是可能轻易升级到全明星级或精英级的)

水货级 - 斯特罗迈尔-斯威夫特,杰伊-威廉姆斯,米利西奇,迈克尔-比斯利,塔比特,德里克-威廉姆斯



球队核心级 - 卡梅罗-安东尼,恩比德(存疑),哈登

精英级 - 保罗-加索尔,德隆-威廉姆斯(2次NBA最佳阵容,持久了5年的20 10)

全明星级 - 艾尔-霍福德(本可以把他塞进精英级的,但并不觉得他巅峰期有辣么强),布拉德利-比尔(我觉着他在退役前会搞定几次全明星的),德里克-费沃斯(可能有争议,但我觉得如果他在东部,那他可能已经一次全明星在手了,并且我认为他有着全明星级别的天赋)

首发级 - OJ梅奥,本-戈登,埃内斯-坎特,奥托-波特(我觉得他未来能跳到全明星级,但目前 不太稳),麦克-邓利维,贾利尔-奥卡福(现在还不确定他会成长成什么样,但估计能成为坚实的首发)

水货级 - 达柳斯-迈尔斯,亚当-莫里森



球队核心级 - 威斯布鲁克,克里斯-保罗

精英级 - 波什,波尔津吉斯(仍不确定他是否能成为特权球员,但我觉得他会入选五次以上的 全明星)

全明星级 - 迈克-康利(我不知道他今年算不算数,但他能力在全明星边缘已经很久了,如果他在东部大概也已经入选过了)

首发级 - 德鲁-古登,泰瑞克-埃文斯,特里斯坦-汤普森,科迪-泽勒,埃迪-库里(有过三五个 不错的赛季),迪昂-维特斯,阿隆-戈登(不确定他最后会落到哪档)

水货级 - 肖恩-利文斯顿(已经重生,但总体来说我还是觉得他水掉了),马库斯-费泽尔,泰鲁斯-托马斯



球队核心级 - 德维恩-韦德

精英级 - 凯文-乐福,德马库斯-考辛斯(我觉得他能到达特权级,但需要更好地带动他的球队)

全明星级 -杰森-理查德森(从未入选过全明星,但我想他好几次都很接近,并在我看来足够接近)

首发级 - 德文-哈里斯,杰夫-格林,乔纳斯-瓦兰丘纳斯,里基-卢比奥,雷蒙德-费尔顿,麦克-米勒,阿莱克斯-莱恩

水货级 - 尼克罗兹-斯哥蒂什维利,谢尔登-威廉姆斯,托马斯-罗宾逊,马里奥-海佐尼亚(下定论太早了,但迹象不太妙),丹特-埃克萨姆(同样太早,同样不妙)












再补充:去除掉最近两届选秀,几率变成了球队核心级= 9/70 (13%) , 精英全明星 = 10/70 (14%), 全明星 = 7/70 (10%), 首发 = 27/70 (38.5%), 水货 = 17/70 (24%)。快来看呀快来瞧,几率几乎不动摇!

I was thinking the other day about just how valuable are top 5 picks and what is the success rate of these picks. So I decided to look back from year 2000 and see at what rate each pick got a Franchise player (potential MVP candidate multiple years, can lead team to a championship as the best player), elite - all stars (4 all stars and a couple all-nba), All-Star, Starter, bust for each of the top 5 picks.

Pick 1 -

Franchise - Lebron James, Dwight Howard, Anthony Davis, Karl Anthony Towns (I'm assuming he'll reach this level)

Elite All - Star - Blake Griffin, John Wall, Yao Ming, Kyrie Irving

All - Star - Derrick Rose (put him here because of his injury history, only has 3 all stars and one all nba), Andrew wiggins (assuming he'll reach this status, might not),

Starter - Andrew Bogut, Bargnanni (barely a starter but I'll leave him off the bust category), Kenyon Martin (one all-star but more of a starter quality player)

Bust - Kwame Brown, Greg Oden, Anthony Bennet

So the #1 pick rounds out with 4/16 franchise players, 4/16 elite - all star, 2/16 all-star, 3/16 starter, 3/16 bust

Pick 2

Franchise - Kevin Durant

Elite All- Star - Lamarcus Aldridge (4 time all nba)

All-Star - Tyson Chandler (1 all star, DPOY), Jabari Parker (assuming he will develop to this point)

Starter - Oladipo, Emeka Okafor, Evan Turner, Marvin Williams, Michael Kidd Gilchrist, Deangelo Russell (Don't kill me lakers fans but he could easily move up into all-star or elite all-star)

Bust - Stromile Swift, Jay Williams, Darko Millicic, Michael Beasely, Hasheem Thabeet, Derrick Williams

2nd pick appears to be cursed, with 1/16 franchise, 1/16 elite all-star, 2/16 all-star, 6/16 starter, 6/16 bust. Yikes.

Pick 3

Franchise - Carmelo Anthony, Embiid(?), Harden

Elite All-Star - Pau Gasol, Deron Williams (2 time all-nba, 5 year stretch of 20-10)

All-Star - Al Horford (could've snuck him into elite but didn't think he had that high of a peak), Bradley Beal (I think he'll pick up a couple all-stars before hes done), Derrick Favors (might be controversial but I think he if he was on a team in the east he might have an all-star already, and I think he's an all star level talent)

Starter - O.J Mayo, Ben Gordon, Enes Kanter, Otto Porter ( I think he can make the jump to all-star but not confident as of now), Mike dunleavy, jahlil okafor (not sure what to make of him yet but think he can be a solid starter)

Bust - Darius Miles, Adam Morrison

3rd pick improves a lot from the 2nd pick, with 3/16 franchise (big if on embiid but ill give it to him for now), 2/16 elite all-stars, 3/16 all-stars, 6/16 starters, 2/16 busts.

Pick 4

Franchise - Russell Westbrook, Chris Paul

Elite All-Star - Chris Bosh, Porzingis (not sure he can be a franchise player yet but I think he'll reach 5 all-stars),

All-Star - Mike conley (Idk if he made it this year but he's been a bordeline all-star talent for long enough and would probably have one in the east)

Starter - Drew Gooden, Tyreke Evans, Tristan Thompson, Cody Zeller, Eddy Curry (had a 3-5 good seasons), Dion Waiters, Aaron Gordon (not sure where he'll end up)

Bust Shaun Livingston (has revived his career but overall I think its been a bust), Marcus Fizer, Tyrus Thomas,

4th is pretty weak but has a couple great talents in paul and westbrook. Overall 2/16 franchise, 2/16 elite all star, 1/16 all star, 8/16 starters, 3 busts.

Pick 5

Franchise - Dwyane Wade

Elite All-star - Kevin Love, Demarcus Cousins ( I think he can reach franchise but needs to improve his team more)

All-Star - Jason Richardson (never got an all star but I think he was close multiple times and I'd consider him close enough)

Starter - Devin Harris, Jeff Green, Jonas Valancunias, ricky rubio, raymond felton, Mike Miller, Alex Len

Bust - Nickoloz Tskitishvili, Shelden Williams, Thomas Robinson, Mario Hezonja ( too early but the signs aren't great), Dante Exum (too early but not showing great signs)

This is a weaker pick, with 1/16 franchise, 2/16 elite all-star, 1/16 all-star, 7/16 starter, 5/16 bust

Now I know there is a lot of speculation for most of these picks after 2013 about, but I did my best to see where they would project just to get a general idea.

Overall if you get a top 5 pick you have about an 11/80 or 14% chance to land a franchise player according to past results. That's actually quite a good success rate I'd reckon.

You have about the same chance of landing an elite all star, 11/80 or 14%. So you're chance of getting a franchise player or elite all-star is about 28%.

There is a 9/80 or 11% chance of getting an all star caliber player, so you're chance of getting at least an all-star player is 39%.

The chance of landing a starter caliber player is 30/80 or 37.5%.

The chance of landing a bust is 19/80 or 23.75%. You're chance of getting a starter or a bust is about 61%. You have a better chance of getting a starter or bust than you do of getting an all-star.

First pick is clearly the most valuable, with about a 50% chance of getting an elite all-star or above. After first pick however you have a pretty small chance of landing an elite all star or franchise player, and have a much better chance at landing a bust or just an average starter. Also in years where there was a franchise player or elite all star taken there was a generational talent available. In years without there was a high bust rate.

If you take out the first pick, you're chance of landing an all-star or above in picks 2-4 is about 34%. You're chance of landing a franchise or elite player is 18%.

TL;DR Draft picks aren't necessarily as valuable as they seem when trading for superstar players. Unless its the first pick overall, you have only about a 34% chance of landing a player that is even an allstar, and an 18% chance of landing an elite all-star. Including the first pick boosts your chance of landing an all-star to 39%, and a franchise or elite player to 22%. You have a 61% chance of getting a bust or a starter, with a higher chance of a bust than an all-star.

Edit : most of you guys seem concerned where I put people, while this was more of an exercise in seeing the value of draft picks lol

EDIT 2 Removing the last 2 drafts and the #'s bear out to franchise = 9/70 (13%) , elite all-star = 10/70 (14%), all-star = 7/70 (10%), starter = 27/70 (38.5), bust = 17/70 (24%). OH wow look the numbers barely changed from where they were!

bbirt 557 指標 1 月前

How're you gonna classify Embiid as a franchise player but not Boogie???



Bismack BiyomboSon_of_Biyombo 23 指標 1 月前



LakersDGgoesdeep 27 指標 1 月前

The amount of disrespect Boogie gets on here makes me so mad lmao


JazzXsy 7 指標 1 月前

Yeah man, Cousins has won 30 games once! He's basically the greatest C of all time.


566 指標 1 月前



Netsaydee123 227 指標 1 月前

There should be a category between "Starter" and "Bust".

Shaun Livingston would go there.



Sunsdirtydesert 195 指標 1 月前

"Solid rotation player"


Raptorsdollaraire 163 指標 1 月前

I mean, if you're maxing out at "solid rotation player" with the 4th overall pick, I think you can safely classify that as a bust. Anybody who knows what Livingston went through and what he's made of his career knows it's not an insult. But if we're talking about getting value out of draft positions, a bust is a bust.


Kemba WalkerPattyMac811 25 指標 1 月前

I see your point, but if you're a productive NBA player in any capacity, you are not a bust. Relative to draft position is such an unfair way to judge a player's career. Michael Kidd-Gilchrist is a great example in my opinion. Every team would love to him on their squad. He's one of the best on-ball defenders in the entire league and a great rebounder and can chip in 8-16 points on any given night. Every team wants that player, but because he was drafted 2nd overall, he's a "bust" because he's not putting up 25-10 every night.


NetsBigbadbuck 71 指標 1 月前

Yea he wasn't a bust but for a top 5 pick I think he'd end up being a bust. I really should have had a Bench player designation, but I think if you're a bench player as a top 5 pick you're a bust.


NetsBigbadbuck 20 指標 1 月前

Look at livingston careers stats. He's been a bust for most of his career. He turned his career around for 2-3 years after a short stint with the Nets.


Andrew Wigginsgiannissim 182 指標 1 月前*

I'm sorry, you say KAT MIGHT be a franchise, but then you say embiid ALREADY IS a franchise and your only reason for being unsure whether he is one is injuries?


Thundersenorpootin 102 指標 1 月前

This was the main thing that stood out. Embiid has played maybe 30 games and somehow is already considered franchise tier.


Vlade pacweeyummy1 47 指標 1 月前

Franchise player =/= MVP. Franchise player means you could build a championship team with that player as the centerpiece.

Yao Ming, Deron Williams, Bosh, Cousins were all franchise players at some point

核心级球员 =/= MVP。核心级球员意味着你能围绕这名球员打造一支冠军队伍。


