更新时间:2022-07-26 18:40:01It has been made clear to me by multiple people, Kyrie never wanted LeBron to come back in the first place. (After a Miami game) LeBron said keep doing what you're doing, you never know I could be back one day. Kyrie in the locker room said "What's he talking about? We don't need that guy."
Lloyd(骑士随队记者):之前就有很多人向我爆料,欧文从来没有希望勒布朗回来。有一次在对阵热火的比赛之后,勒布朗对着欧文说小伙子要继续努力,说不定我有朝一日就会回骑士,欧文在更衣室说:“这家伙在说些啥?我们根本不需要这家伙。”(详情见翻译组文章:《三位骑士记者:欧文与詹姆斯关系冷淡 克莱改变16总决》)
Spursyungtaxpayer 6356 指標 3 天前
Kyrie's father wanted a bigger role in the organization and did not appreciate LeBron's friend, Randy Mims, having a position withing the organization.
What's the deal with NBA players family members wanting spots in their organisations. Good lord that sounds so annoying as a player.
马刺球迷:“欧文的父亲希望能在骑士管理层有更高职务,他也对詹姆斯的朋友Randy Mims能在骑士获得职务很不满意。”
CelticsMJRocky 480 指標 3 天前
I completely misread that in the post. I thought it mentioned he wanted Kyrie to have a bigger role.
This surprises me because when Drederick Irving was interviewed during a Celtics game this year he mentioned how he likes to just chill in the background and let Kyrie get shine and do his thing (I think they were trying to draw a parallel between he and LaVar Ball)
pittiv20 1619 指標 3 天前
its a better way of taking care of friends and family than just writing them a check.
Pelicansvegetabledetritus 1832 指標 3 天前
yeah except 90% of the time they are not qualified to be working on a pro team
RocketsIskandermissile 1048 指標 3 天前*
There are a lot of jobs out there where pretty much the majority of the general population is qualified to do them regardless of degrees, experience, etc. It is just those jobs are handed out as patronage or because of connections.
Jimmy ButlerArcanePudding 1033 指標 3 天前
I just realized the Cavs had the same exact playoff schedule two years in a row
FagHatLOL 581 指標 3 天前
Lmao cavs post season like an office cubicle job
Nicff 2108 指標 3 天前
Kyrie and his camp considered leaving after the championship but decided otherwise.
This is just crazy to me, but Kyrie certainly has a unique mindset.
This was his IG post after winning the championship.
Makes sense looking back on it.
Raptorsagentmichaelscarn11 1063 指標 3 天前
I never saw this! I can't believe he shared that. Is there really any other way to interpret it than to say he wasn't happy with the lack of credit he got? That's a pretty bold post after winning your first ever ring...
CavaliersKgb725 535 指標 3 天前
It's a pretty iconic Kobe picture and kyrie was always a fan. I'm sure if you really tried to justify it its possible
KnicksDriveshaft48 477 指標 3 天前
There are hundreds of pictures of Kobe with the LOB trophy looking happy as fuck (source, google), but Kyrie picks the one where he looks depressed as fuck....
Are you really saying Kyrie wasn't implying anything with that post?
RaptorsTheSimonToUrGarfunkl 1512 指標 3 天前
It takes a hell of an ego to win a championship and still be bitter because you weren't the #1 star.
Raptorsone-eleven 751 指標 3 天前
Especially your first championship.
Trail BlazersNurkicFuckMePlease 500 指標 3 天前
At 24 years old
Iversonfinnfinnfinnfinnfinn 952 指標 3 天前
Especially when the guy who is the #1 star is LeBron fucking James
Berpaderpaderp 554 指標 3 天前
And you were a lottery team before he arrived
TrashCarryPlayer 670 指標 3 天前
It's called disease of me. Pat Riley wrote about it. It infected Kyrie to the core.
CavaliersKgb725 313 指標 3 天前
Kyrie should go on a talk show or do some sort of tell all book when hes finished playing because his mindset as a superstar is really weird
KillianDrake 374 指標 3 天前
Damn, it should have been obvious to everyone that he was suffering from Kobe syndrome - Kobe felt he was better than Shaq and that he didn't get enough credit for those titles... Kyrie seems like he's got a lot of personal issues to work out.
nasascientologist 1639 指標 3 天前
This is a great reminder that no matter how things look from the outside we don’t know shit about whats actually going on
Celticsgoofygoober2 2490 指標 3 天前
So much to dissect in this post wow, the best part might be the Cavs debating on choosing Waiters over Kyrie
Manu GinobiliHtotheIZZO- 2020 指標 3 天前
LeBron did not just hit the whiteboard once. He bashed at it several times.
this is terrifying to visualize
YoungJebediah 1187 指標 3 天前
One for the overturned offensive foul.
One for the missed George Hill free throw.
One for the JR blunder.
One for Ty Lue telling him they have a timeout.
One for Steph's cockiness.
That whiteboard didn't have a chance!
El_Fantasma 784 指標 3 天前
One for the time that fucking Tatum boomed him
RaptorsFriedChickenIsTrash 1262 指標 3 天前
Lost in all this is that LeBron bashed a white board not one, not two, not three, not four, not five but SEVERAL times
CelticsDeathInFire 1679 指標 3 天前
"That f***ing Lebron boomed me" -whiteboard
Daniel Gibsonboogswald 433 指標 3 天前
If the Cavs win that game, that’s regarded as the best playoff performance of all time. Instead, JR made him into a fucking meme. It felt way too symbolic of Lebron’s time in Cleveland. I felt ashamed because of it.
Pistonsaa1475 544 指標 3 天前
I don’t understand how Wade is a bad locker room guy on the Bulls and the Cavs yet great for Miami lol
Heatwritingandshit 515 指標 3 天前
yin and a yang for everything. someone like Terrell Owens comes to mind. that dude's insane competitive spirit and need to be the best is perfect when there's a good structure around him, but put him on a bottom feeder and he becomes a cancer
Cavs before the deadline had a weird situation where there were at least 4 different guys who had been the alpha at some point in their career. Even worse, they were in a situation where they wanted to prove that they still had that ability.
热火球迷:这就叫阴阳相生,这让我想到Terrell Owens,他的竞争精神令人难以想象,万事都要求最完美,在某些环境下这种性格能完美适配,但是将他置于一支鱼腩球队就会变成毒瘤。
Dwyane Wadebaymax18 346 指標 3 天前
"Culture" gets overused esp in Miami but I believe there's truth in it - you need to fit your organization too. It's not just DWade, Lance seemed to struggle everywhere but Indiana. Rondo with the Mavs/Kings was cancer but was vital with the Pels.
Lakersrburp 398 指標 3 天前
Most interesting to me is the "man's game" comment
We all joked about how it would piss LeBron off, but in the back of my mind I never really believed it.
If true though it kinda makes me think it could have cost GSW that entire series.
Not that LeBron wasn't going to play his hardest anyways, but sometimes that little extra bit of motivation can really get someone going.
Hawksbraggpeak 4797 指標 3 天前
The flat earth drama really bothered Kyrie.
Lol, was he expecting people to just let that slide?
Collin SextonMeo280 2559 指標 3 天前*
I honestly don’t know what he was expecting.
If you want people to respect your social and/or political views you don’t say dumb shit.
Wizardsacosmichippo 1913 指標 3 天前
he was expecting people to take him seriously because he’s a fucking moron who actually believes the earth is flat. he thinks it’s a legitimate opinion to have and the likelihood that it would be repeatedly scoffed at probably never even occurred to him.
Larry JohnsonBombingofdresden 1220 指標 3 天前*
“I’m just asking questions.”
This is the fallback defense to saying stupid shit. It’s faux intellectualism.
By questioning things that are genuinely accepted as truth they think it makes them sound more intelligent.
Spoiler alert: it don’t.
Heatalecsunns 932 指標 3 天前
It's funny hearing Kyrie not wanting the attention about the flat earth thing. Did he really not expect that to be the focus on him going forward?
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