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更新时间:2022-07-24 23:22:30


1,allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事

I allow you to watch TV 我允许你去看电视

Allow doing sth 被允许做某事

I allow watching TV 我被允许看电视

2,deal with =do with 处理

I can deal with my problem =I can do with my problem 我能处理我的问题

3,communicate with 与。。。交流

I can communicate with you 我能和你交流

4,continue to do sth 继续去做另一件事,continue doing sth 继续去做同一件事

I continue to watch TV 我继续去看电视

I continue doing homework, I haven’ finished it yet 我继续写作业,我还没有完成

5,compare 。。。to 把。。。比作 I compare it to be a flower 我把它比作一朵花

6,compare 。。。with 与。。比较, I can compare with you 我能和你做比较

7,be crazy about 对。。。疯狂 I am crazy about English 我对英语很疯狂

8,in one’s opinion 以。。。观点

In my opinion ,he is a good man 在我的观点里,他是一个好人

9,hang out 闲逛,I want to hang out with my friends 我想要和我朋友们去闲逛

10,hang up 挂断,Don’t hang up 不要挂断电话

11,hang on 稍等=hold on

12,Why don’t you play football ?= Why not play football ?为什么不踢足球

=What about playing football=How about playing football

13,look through 浏览。 I can look through the internet to find some useful information 我能浏览网络找到一些有用的信息

14,get annoyed with sb 生某人的气, I get annyed with you =I am annoyed with you 我对你很生气

15,ge annoyed at sth= be annoyed at sth 对某事生气

I get annoyed at it =I am annoyed at it 我对它很生气

16,work out 解决 I can work out my problem 我能解决我的问题

17,argument (争论,名词),argue with sb 与。。争论, argue about sth 争论某事

I have an argument with him 我和他有一个争论=I argue with him

We argue about our work 我们争论关于我的工作

18,compete with 与。。。竞争 ,I must compete with you 我必须和你竞争

19,cut in 插话, Don’t cut in ,it’s impolite 不要插话,它是不礼貌的

20,elder(年长的),older (更老的)

He is older than me 他比我老

He is my elder brother 他是我哥