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更新时间:2022-07-19 02:51:30



Looking back at yesterday's Olympics, Su Bingtian, in the men's 100-meter semifinals of the Tokyo Olympics, ran the fastest Asian time of 9.83 seconds and became the well-deserved Asian trapeze and the fastest university professor in the world. History is always surprisingly similar. This scene can't help but remind me of Liu Changchun, the first person in the Olympic Games in China.(来源:Google翻译)



Liu Changchun, the first person in the Olympic Games in China, attended the Department of Physical Education of Northeastern University at the age of 18. The first Chinese athlete to officially participate in the Olympics! Although he failed to qualify in the 100m race, he created the history of the Chinese Olympics!(来源:Google翻译)


1932年6月25日外交部从国际奥会总部得到的消息,伪满州国参加奥运未得国际奥会批准,我国奥会急电要求通融报名,6月26日接获筹备会答复同意,我国报名的两位选手就是刘长春和于希渭。7月6日、7日,上海新闻界、体育界及团体,为刘长春饯行,将近2000人出席;7月8日,刘长春及宋君复自上海搭乘邮轮,出发前往美国洛杉矶,展开中国奥运首航。邮轮在7月29日抵达洛杉矶,30日下午举行了开幕典礼了。 On June 25, 1932, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received the news from the headquarters of the International Olympic Games that the Puppet Manchuria participated in the Olympic Games without the approval of the International Olympic Games. The two players who signed up were Liu Changchun and Yu Xiwei. On July 6th and 7th, the Shanghai press, sports circles, and organizations traveled for Liu Changchun and nearly 2,000 people attended. On July 8, Liu Changchun and Song Junfu took a cruise from Shanghai and set off for Los Angeles in the United States to embark on the maiden voyage of the Chinese Olympics. The cruise ship arrived in Los Angeles on July 29, and the opening ceremony was held on the afternoon of the 30th.(来源:Google翻译)



After three weeks of floating on the sea, Liu Changchun’s physical strength has been greatly affected. Therefore, he originally signed up for three events. He only participated in the 100 meters and 200 meters. The 400 meters did not play due to physical strength. Both of the two projects that participated in the group were last in the group and failed to advance. After the game, Liu Changchun was unable to return to China due to insufficient travel expenses. Later, he returned to China with donations from local overseas Chinese.(来源:Google翻译)


89年前曾在奥运百米比赛中亮相的刘长春他是第一位站上奥运赛场的中国运动员是他告诉世界:奥运会,中国来了!那时积贫积弱的中国差点连他的路费都拿不出来刘长春之子刘鸿图曾回忆 “父亲的愿望有两个 一是中国人能在奥运会上夺得金奖二是中国有朝一日能举办奥运会”。


Liu Changchun, who appeared in the Olympic 100-meter competition 89 years ago, was the first Chinese athlete to stand on the Olympic stadium. He told the world: The Olympic Games, China is coming! At that time, a poor and weak China almost couldn't even pay for his travel expenses. Liu Changchun's son Liu Hongtu once recalled that "father's wishes were twofold. One is that the Chinese can win the gold medal in the Olympics and the other is that China can one day host the Olympics."

Liu Changchun, all your wishes have come true.