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更新时间:2022-11-09 14:09:26

相信大家今天看了恒大对上港的比赛有很多人会有这样的疑问,上港在加时赛进了一球,即使最终总比分是5-5,应该上港直接晋级啊 因为上港有一个客场进球啊。


Technical Rules for the Competition: Knockout Stage Quarter-finals d) If the same number of goal or no goal is scored during these periods of extra time, penalty kicks shall be taken to determine the winner (cf. Art. 10). Away goals do not apply in extra time.

Semi-finals d) If the same number of goal or no goal is scored during these periods of extra time, penalty kicks shall be taken to determine the winner (cf. Art. 10). Away goals do not apply in extra time.

Final d) If the same number of goal or no goal is scored during these periods of extra time, penalty kicks shall be taken to determine the winner (cf. Art. 10). Away goals do not apply in extra time.


