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更新时间:2022-11-08 21:51:50







□ clearance n. 清除;(货物的)清仓甩卖;空隙;准许;(足球比赛中)解围;
□ deficit n. 赤字;不足额;
□ massive adj. 大而重的,结实的;大量的,大规模的;

□ momentum n. 冲力,推力;动力;动量,冲量;
□ soar vi. 急升,激增;高飞;升空;翱翔;n. 高飞;高涨;
□ erase vt. 抹去;擦除;vi. 被擦去,被抹掉;
□ siege n. 围攻;包围;围城;vt. 围攻;包围;
□ stun vt. 使震惊;打昏;给以深刻的印象;n. 昏迷;打昏;惊倒;令人惊叹的事物;
□ trademark n. 商标;特征,标志;vt. 用商标标明;
□ assured adj. 自信的;确定的;有把握得到的;n. 被保险人;v. 使确信;弄清;确保;

□ jeer v. 嘲笑;戏弄;奚落;n. 嘲笑;戏弄;

□ lurk vi. 潜伏;潜藏;埋伏;n. 潜伏;埋伏;
□ vow n. 誓约,诺言;v. 立誓,发誓;vi. 发誓;郑重宣告;
□ defense n. 防卫,防护;防御措施;防守;vt. 谋划抵御;
□ disrespect n. 无礼,失礼,不敬;
□ backline (尤指球场的)底线;(尤指球场的)端线;后列队员;后台扬声器;
□ makeshift n. 权宜之计,凑合;adj. 临时的;
□ trafford n. 特拉福德(英格兰的一个都市自治市);
□ villarreal n. 维拉里尔(西班牙足球队名,或人名姓氏);
□ defender n. 防守队员,后卫;保护者,捍卫者;

□ midfield n. 中场;adj. 中场的;
□ comeback n. 恢复,复出;再度流行;迅速反驳;
□ stoppage n. 停止;故障;罢工;堵塞;扣留;
□ halftime n. 中场休息;adj. 正常时间一半的;
□ outplay vt. 打败;胜过;技术优于……;


The Portugal star had saved his team again in the Champions League


The greatest scorer in the competition's history soared to head in an 81st-minute winner as United erased a two-goal halftime deficit to beat Atalanta 3-2 in a wild match at Old Trafford on Wednesday.

周三在老特拉福德的一场狂野比赛中,曼联消除了两球半场的差距,以 3-2 击败亚特兰大,比赛历史上最伟大的得分手在第 81 分钟取得胜利。

"That's just what he does," United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said.


"We have a habit of doing this at this club," said Solskjaer, who famously completed a late comeback to win the Champions League as a player in 1999.

“我们在这家具乐部有这样做的习惯,”索尔斯克亚说,他曾在 1999 年以球员身份赢得欧冠而闻名。

"I thought in the first half we played some good stuff, created chances, we just couldn't take them. The difference was the quality of finishing was much better in the second half."


Ronaldo's record-extending 138th goal in the Champions League came three weeks after he scored in the fifth minute of stoppage time to snatch a victory over Villarreal in the second round of games.


This time, the goal came earlier-and was a trademark header with hang time and unerring accuracy after meeting a cross from Luke Shaw that was whipped in from deep on the left.


"His leap, his timing-it was the perfect header," United captain Harry Maguire said. "He has come up with a massive goal again in the Champions League."

“他的飞跃,他的时机——这是一个完美的头球,”曼联队长哈里·马奎尔说。 “他在冠军联赛中再次提出了一个重大目标。”

United keeps doing it the hard way in this season's competition.


There was the surprising loss to Young Boys in the first game, after Aaron Wan-Bissaka's first-half red card. Then a come-from-behind 2-1 win against Villarreal after being outplayed for large parts at Old Trafford.


Now this comeback against Atalanta, which moved United into first place in Group F-two points above the Italian side and Villarreal.


"Don't disrespect the players," added Solskjaer when asked if his team was playing for him. "They played for Man United. They are the luckiest men in the world because they are the ones that can play for Man United."

“不要不尊重球员,”当被问及他的球队是否为他效力时,索尔斯克亚补充道。 “他们为曼联效力。他们是世界上最幸运的人,因为他们可以为曼联效力。”

Atalanta had stunned the home crowd by going 2-0 up thanks to goals by Mario Pasali-a 15th-minute tap-in after United's defense was caught off guard by a quickly taken freekick-and Merih Demiral's header from a corner in the 29th.

由于马里奥·帕萨利(Mario Pasali)的进球,亚特兰大以 2-0 的比分震惊了主场观众——这是在曼联的防守被快速任意球打得措手不及之后的第 15 分钟接球——以及梅里赫·德米拉尔在 29 号角球的头球。

United, which came into the game with just two wins from its last seven games in all competitions, was jeered off the field at halftime.


However, Solskjaer's team showed a different side in the second half, laying siege to Atalanta's goal as Marcus Rashford - on his first start this season after injury-reduced the deficit in the 53rd with a calm finish following a delicious outside-of-the-foot pass behind the defense by Bruno Fernandes.

然而,索尔斯克亚的球队在下半场表现出不同的一面,围攻亚特兰大的进球,因为马库斯·拉什福德(Marcus Rashford)在本赛季受伤后的第一次首发中减少了第 53 局的劣势,并在一场精彩的外线比赛之后平静地结束了比赛。布鲁诺·费尔南德斯防守后脚传球。

Maguire, who was partly at fault for Atalanta's goals, swept in the equalizer in the 75th after Fernandes' cross made its way past a number of players and to the back post where the England defender was lurking.

马奎尔对亚特兰大的进球负有部分责任,在费尔南德斯的十字架越过几名球员并到达英格兰后卫潜伏的后门柱后,他在第 75 局扳平比分。

Ronaldo had the final say, not just through his goal-his sixth in eight games since returning for a second spell at United-but also through his last-ditch clearance in the final seconds that sparked a roar from the home fans.


Ronaldo was playing his 300th game for the club.

罗纳尔多正在为俱乐部打他的第 300 场比赛。

The win relieves some of the pressure on Solskjaer, who vowed to make changes to the team to restore some balance after a sobering 4-2 loss to Leicester on Saturday. He was true to his word, dropping Paul Pogba and pairing Scott McTominay and Fred to give more energy in central midfield.

这场胜利减轻了索尔斯克亚的一些压力,他发誓要对球队做出改变,以在周六以 4-2 惨败给莱斯特城之后恢复一些平衡。他信守诺言,放弃了保罗·博格巴,将斯科特·麦克托米奈和弗雷德搭档,为中场提供了更多的能量。

Initially, it didn't work, with Atalanta still managing to pick off United in the first half.


The momentum of the game swung at halftime, with Atalanta looking less assured at the back after Demiral was forced off at the break because of injury.


The visitor was already without defenders Rafael Toloi - the captain - Berat Djimsiti, Robin Gosens and Hans Hateboer for the match, and United took advantage of Atalanta's makeshift backline in the second half.客队已经没有后卫拉斐尔·托洛伊——队长——贝拉特·吉姆斯蒂、罗宾·戈森斯和汉斯·哈特博尔参加比赛,曼联在下半场利用了亚特兰大的临时后防线。

主题词:英语新闻 四六级 考研 雅思 托福词汇

