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我想要一双鞋英语怎么说(课本重点知识一网尽收——冀教版七年级英语上Unit 2)

更新时间:2022-11-07 18:05:48

Unit 2 Colours and Clothes

我想要一双鞋英语怎么说(课本重点知识一网尽收——冀教版七年级英语上Unit 2)


talk about谈论某事

personal pronouns人称代词

prossessive pronouns物主代词

what's your favourite colour?你喜欢的颜色是什么?

go shopping去购物

Can I get a new skirt?我能换一条新裙子吗?

what colour do you want?你要什么颜色?

I want...我想要...

my favourite sth.我喜爱的某物

Light blue 浅蓝色

like sth.喜欢某物

like to do sth.喜欢干某事

do you like ...你喜欢...吗?

be different form...和...不同

look at看


Here are some examples这是一些例子。

find more examples找出更多的例子

match ...with...和...相配,和...相称

help sb. do sth.帮助某人干某事

match some clothes搭配衣服

wear sth. with sth.用...搭配...

interview sb.采访某人

fill in the table填表

work in groups分小组工作

talk about the Results讨论结果

What are you favourite sth.?


My favourite sth. is...


want to do sth.想要干某事

paint with sb.和某人一起画画

Here is some red paint这儿有一些红色的颜料(paint不可数名词)

How about sth.?...怎么样?

mix blue and yellow to make green


That's right!那是对的!

How many colours do you see?你看到了多少颜色?(colour可数名词)

come out 出现 呈现

mix two different colours together to make a new colour把两种不同颜色混合在一起制成一种新颜色

mix sth.to do sth.混合...去干…

after the rain雨后

in the sky 在天空中

dig in翻土,把...掺进去

tick the correct answer在正确答案上打勾

just right 刚刚好,正好

be ready for…为...做准备

fill in the missing letters填上缺失的字母

colour the rainbow in the same order of the words


Can you name some things that are those colours?你能说出那些颜色的东西吗?

It's too big for me.它对我来说太大了。

Whose gloves are these?谁的手套在这儿?(手套glove以复数形式出现)

Whose shorts are these?这是谁的短裤?(short做短裤只有复数形式)

circle the correct words圈出正确的单词

be just right for sb....刚好适合某人

just right刚好

too small/big太小/大

sth. is/are too adj. for sb某物对于某人太…

fill in the blanks with words form this lesson.用这篇课文中的单词填空

Lynn's gloves琳的手套

work in pairs两人一组练习

look at the items看看这些项目

make up 组成 编造


catch a cold 感冒

be ready for sth.为某事做准备

say goodbye to sb.对某人说再见

wear a T-shirt and shorts穿一件短袖和一条短裤

look nice看起来好看/不错

in this green T-shirt着一件绿色短袖

It's raining天正在下雨

put on a jacket穿上一件夹克

go back 回去

put on 穿上

get well with sth.和…很相配,协调

don't forget sth.不要忘记某事

take... all out of ...把所有的从...取出来

colourful clothes are so bright五颜六色的衣服如此明亮。

so bright如此明亮

catch a ball接球

catch a fish 捉一条鱼

catch a train/bus赶上火车/汽车

what does Danny like to wear?丹尼喜欢穿什么衣般?

answer the questions回答问题

How is the weather?天气怎么样?

with the correct forms of

the phone number用电话号码的正确形式


go outside外出 往外走

share sth. with sb.与某人一起分享某物

without sth.没有某物

Don't go outside without a jacket不穿一件夹克就别外出

It's cold outside.室外天气冷。

tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人干某事

match the clothes with the right weather把衣服和合适的天气搭配起来

write a report about sth.关于某事写一篇报告

around the world世界各地

wear traditional clothes穿着全统服饰

so colourful色彩如此丰富

How do they look?你怎么看?

look so beautiful/pretty看上去很漂亮

be form ...源于...,来自于...

a traditional dress一件全统服饰

in her Sari(可数名词)穿着她的莎丽

wear uniforms for work穿制服上班

look so pretty看上去好漂亮

in black and white穿黑白相间衣服

school uniforms校服

blue and white青花

What colours are they?它们是什么颜色

discuss the questions讨论问题

in one's hometown在家乡

Do you wear a uniform for school?你上学穿校服吗?

the Square Dance Party广场舞派对

wear cowboy boots and hats戴牛仔帽,穿牛仔靴

a beautiful pink skirt一件漂亮的粉红色裙子

look pretty/good/nice/cute

they are all wearing different clothes他们都穿着不同的服装

all around the world在世界范围

What are some traditional clothes wear in China?在中国穿一些什么样的传统服饰

collect sth.收集

be form Tibet来自西藏

Let's go shopping让我们去购物

at the shopping center 在购物中心

at 1:00 p.m this Saturday在这星期六下午一点

come with sb.和某人一起来

want to do sth.想去做某事

a pair of shoes一双鞋

What do you want to buy?你想要买什么?

have fun玩得开心

near the park在公园/停车场附近

go to the zoo去动物园

I'm so glad to do sth.我很高兴干...

What do you want to do ?你想干什么?

good idea 好主意

want to do sth.想干...

sb. like(s) sth.某人喜欢...

Red ,orange and yellow are warm colours

warm colour暖色

Blue,green and purple are cool colours

cool colour冷色

colour sth. in red用红色给某物着色

use sth. to do sth.用...干...

complete the chart完成图表

It looks good on me我穿起来很好看

her family members她的家庭成员

bring sth. to sth.把某物带到...

have a fashion sHow举办一场时装秀

take turns being the fashion sHow host轮流做时装秀主持人

describe sth.描述...

look great看起来很棒

find out查明/发现/揭发

search the Internet网上搜索

a/one piece of clothing一件衣服

Men ,women and children form Mexico wear ponchos


What weather Can you wear it in?什么天气可以穿它?

in cold and rainny weather在寒冷和下雨的天气

It is colourful and warm.它多彩且温暖。

Icanusethese pronouns properly.我能正确使用这些代词

Please show/tell me if you can.如果你能,请演示/告诉我

be wearing the red skirt穿一件红裙子

我想要一双鞋英语怎么说(课本重点知识一网尽收——冀教版七年级英语上Unit 2)

★put on和wear的区别



I don't wear any glasses.我不戴眼镜,

put on指“戴上”,“穿上”,为动态,表示穿衣服的动作,其反义词是take off.

Put on your clothes穿上衣服


1、put on是瞬间动词。


★clothes, clothing, coat, dress, overcoat这六个词的共同意思是“衣服”其区别是:


He spent a lot of money on clothes when he was young.他年轻时花很多钱买衣服。


This is a factory that makes children's clothing.这是一家童装厂。


I've bought a coat for my daughter.我替女儿买了一件大衣。


She wore a long, white dress for the wedding.她穿着一件长长的白色结婚礼服。


Men and boys wear overcoats in cold weather.天冷时,人们都穿大衣。

★clothes 和 clothing用法的区别

1. clothes 和 clothing 都可用作“衣服”的统称,但在用法上有差别:

(1) clothes 是一个没有单数形式的复数名词, 其前不可加不定冠词,也不可加数词,但可用 some, these, those, many, few 等词修饰。如:正:those clothes / few clothes / many clothes误:a clothes / two clothes / three clothes

(2) clothing 是不可数名词。如:They wear very little clothing. 他们衣服穿得很少。

(3) 比较而言:clothes 的含义比较具体,而 clothing 的含义则比较抽象。从语体上看,clothing 比 clothes 更正式。比较:I changed my clothes. 我换了衣服。He is washing his clothes. 他在洗衣服。Our clothing protects us against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。We are well provided with food and clothing. 我们吃得好,穿得好。若不考虑其细微区别,两者常可换用(注:一个是复数,一个不可数)。如:。如:He spent a lot of money on clothes [clothing]. 他花了许多钱买衣服。

(4) 要表示衣服的数量,可用类似以下的表达:误:a suit of clothing 正:a suit of clothes 一套衣服误:an ariticle of clothes 正:an article of clothing 一件衣服

★dress 表示“衣服”,有两种用法:

(1) 用作可数名词,主要指妇女穿的连衣裙或上下连身的女装,也可指小孩穿的衣服,但不指男人穿的衣服。如:She makes all her own dresses. 她的连衣裙都是自己做的。She was wearing a beautiful dress. 她当时穿着一身漂亮的衣服。

(2) 用作不可数名词,表示“衣服”的总称”(不论男女)。如:He doesn’t care much about dress. 他不太注意衣着。注:在现代英语中,dress 用作不可数名词的用法已不常见。它主要用来指某些特殊种类的衣服(如礼服等)。如:)evening dress 晚礼服 full dress 大礼服 national dress 民族服装  fancy dress 化装服装


1Sth. is too 形容词(原形) for sb. 某物对某人来说太??

2Be ready for sth. 和be ready to do sth.有时可互换。如:

I am ready for lunch.= I am ready to have lunch. 现在我准备好吃午饭了。

3How many colours do you see ? 你能看到多少颜色?

4My favorite colour is ... 我最喜欢的颜色是...

5Say goodbye to sb.向某人问好。Say yes/no to sb. 向某人说行/不行。

6I'm so 形容词 to do sth. 其他。 做某事我很...如:

I'm so glad to see you. 见到你我很高兴。

我想要一双鞋英语怎么说(课本重点知识一网尽收——冀教版七年级英语上Unit 2)
