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更新时间:2022-10-28 09:29:36


冰壶 Curling



男子冰壶 Men's Curling

女子冰壶 Women's Curling

混合双人 Mixed Doubles' Curling

冰球 Ice Hockey



男子冰球 Men's Ice Hockey

女子冰球 Women's Ice Hockey

北欧两项 Nordic Combined



男子个人标准台 10公里越野滑雪

Men's Individual Gundersen NH+10km Cross-Country Skiing

男子个人大跳台 10公里越野滑雪

Men's Individual Gundersen LH+10km Cross-Country Skiing

男子团体大跳台 4×5公里接力越野滑雪

Men's Team Gundersen LH+4×5km Cross-Country Skiing

单板滑雪 Snowboard



男子平行大回转 Men's Parallel Giant Slalom

男子U型场地技巧 Men's Halfpipe

男子障碍追逐 Men's Snowboard Cross

男子坡面障碍技巧 Men's Slopestyle

男子大跳台 Men's Big Air

女子平行大回转 Women’s Parallel Giant Slalom

女子U型场地技巧 Women’s Halfpipe

女子障碍追逐 Women’s Snowboard Cross

女子坡面障碍技巧 Women’s Slopestyle

女子大跳台 Women’s Big Air

混合团体障碍追逐 Mixed Team Snowboard Cross

短道速滑 Short Track Speed Skating



男子500米 Men's 500m

男子1000米 Men's 1000m

男子1500米 Men's 1500m

男子5000米接力 Men's 5000m Relay

女子500米 Women’s 500m

女子1000米 Women’s 1000m

女子1500米 Women’s 1500m

女子3000米接力 Women’s 3000m Relay

混合团体接力 Mixed Team Relay

冬季两项 Biathlon



男子20公里个人 Men's 20km Individual

男子10公里竞速 Men's 10km Sprint

男子12.5公里追逐 Men's 12.5km Pursuit

男子15公里集体出发 Men's 15km Mass Start

男子4×7.5公里接力 Men's 4×7.5km Relay

女子15公里个人 Women's 15km Individual

女子7.5公里竞速 Women's 7.5km Sprint

女子10公里追逐 Women's 10km Pursuit

女子12.5公里集体出发 Women's 12.5km Mass Start

女子4×6公里接力 Women's 4×6km Relay

女子2×6公里 男子2×7.5公里混合接力 2×6km Women 2x7.5km Men Mixed Relay

钢架雪车 Skeleton



男子单人 Men's Single

女子单人 Women's Single

高山滑雪 Alpine Skiing



男子滑降 Men's Downhill

男子超级大回转 Men's Super-G

男子大回转 Men's Giant Slalom

男子回转 Men's Slalom

男子全能 Men's Alpine Combined

女子滑降 Women’s Downhill

女子超级大回转 Women’s Super-G

女子大回转 Women’s Giant Slalom

女子回转 Women’s Slalom

女子全能 Women’s Alpine Combined

混合团体赛 Alpine Mixed Team Event

花样滑冰 Figure Skating


(图源:新华社记者 张笑宇 摄)

男子单人滑 Men's Single Skating

女子单人滑 Women’s Single Skating

双人滑 Pair Skating

冰上舞蹈 Ice Dance

混合团体 Mixed Team Event

速度滑冰 Speed Skating



男子500米 Men's 500m

男子1000米 Men's 1000m

男子1500米 Men's 1500m

男子5000米 Men's 5000m

男子10000米 Men's 10000m

男子集体出发 Men's Mass Start

男子团体追逐 Men's Team Pursuit

女子500米 Women’s 500m

女子1000米 Women’s 1000m

女子1500米 Women’s 1500m

女子3000米 Women’s 3000m

女子5000米 Women’s 5000m

女子集体出发 Women’s Mass Start

女子团体追逐 Women’s Team Pursuit

跳台滑雪 Ski Jumping



男子个人标准台 Men's Normal Hill Individual

男子个人大跳台 Men's Large Hill Individual

男子团体 Men's Team

女子个人标准台 Women’s Normal Hill Individual

混合团体 Mixed Team Event

雪车 Bobsleigh



男子双人 2-man Bobsleigh

男子四人 4-man Bobsleigh

女子单人 Women’s Monobob

女子双人 Women's 2-man Bobsleigh

雪橇 Luge



男子单人 Men's Single Luge

男子双人 Doubles' Luge

女子单人 Women's Single Luge

混合团体接力 Mixed Team Relay

越野滑雪 Cross-Country Skiing



男子15公里 Men's 15km Free

男子双追逐 Men's 15km 15km Skiathlon

男子竞速赛 Men's Sprint Classic

男子团体竞速赛 Men's Team Sprint Free

男子50公里集体出发 Men's 50km Mass Start Classic

男子4×10公里接力 Men's 4×10km Relay

女子10公里 Women’s 10km Free

女子双追逐 Women’s 7.5km 7.5km Skiathlon

女子竞速赛 Women’s Sprint Classic

女子团体竞速赛 Women’s Team Sprint Free

女子30公里集体出发 Women’s 30km Mass Start Classic

女子4×5公里接力 Women’s 4×5km Relay

自由式滑雪 Freestyle Skiing



男子雪上技巧 Men's Moguls

男子空中技巧 Men's Aerials

男子障碍追逐 Men's Ski Cross

男子U型场地技巧 Men's Ski Halfpipe

男子坡面障碍技巧 Men's Ski Slopestyle

男子大跳台 Men's Big Air

女子雪上技巧 Women’s Moguls

女子空中技巧 Women’s Aerials

女子障碍追逐 Women’s Ski Cross

女子U型场地技巧 Women’s Ski Halfpipe

女子坡面障碍技巧 Women’s Ski Slopestyle

女子大跳台 Women's Big Air

混合团体空中技巧 Mixed Team Aerials

国际奥委会主席巴赫致辞Message form Thomas Bach


Dear Athletes,


Together we are writing a new chapter in sporting history. Beijing is the first city ever to host both the summer and winter editions of the Olympic Games. The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 will be the start of a new era for winter sport. Well over 300 million Chinese people are now taking up sport on snow and ice. Today, China is a winter sport country. This will change the global landscape for winter sport forever.


Now is the time for you, the best winter sport athletes of the world, to make history. You can only make your Olympic dream come true because our Chinese partners and friends have set the Olympic stage in such a splendid way. You have magnificent venues from which to shine. Your Olympic dream is coming true in front of hundreds of millions of new Chinese winter sport enthusiasts, giving a tremendous boost to your fan base and to your sport.


Over the coming days, you will compete fiercely with each other for Olympic glory, while living peacefully together under one roof in the Olympic Village. You will be watched by a global audience of billions, sending this powerful message to the world: yes, it is possible to compete with each other for the highest prize, while living together peacefully and respectfully.


The international community greatly supports these Olympic Winter Games because this unifyingmessage is even more important in our divided world today. This was most recently exemplified by the Olympic Truce Resolution, which was adopted by consensus of all 193 Member States of the United Nations General Assembly. The positive role that you, the athletes, are playing is explicitly highlighted: with this resolution, the UN Member States “welcome the leadership of Olympic and Paralympic athletes in promoting peace and human understanding through sport and the Olympic ideal”.


Your inspiring sporting performances; the unifying message of the Olympic Games and the international support this enjoys; the passion for winter sport in China and the hundreds of millions of Chinese winter sport fans: all these elements will take global winter sport to unprecedented new heights.


This is why the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 are also a unique opportunity for the Chinese people to write a new chapter in the country’s great history. The new level of sport engagement contributes significantly to health and well-being. These Olympic Winter Games are providing tangible social and economic benefits to the people in Zhangjiakou and Yanqing, creating jobs, promoting tourism and generating business in these regions.


As the world gets ready to watch the best Chinese and global athletes perform on the biggest sporting stage of all, these Olympic Winter Games serve as a timely reminder that we can only go faster, we can only aim higher, we can only become stronger, if we stand together – in solidarity. I kindly invite you, the athletes, and all Chinese people to enjoy this historic celebration of the Olympic spirit.
