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美洲哪些国家举办过奥运会(Tip Talk奥运系列:Here is Rio)

更新时间:2022-10-25 13:16:35

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美洲哪些国家举办过奥运会(Tip Talk奥运系列:Here is Rio)



在Tip Talk奥运系列第一期节目中,Nelly将跟来自巴西的小伙子Marco一起跟大家聊里约奥运,顺便学几句葡萄牙语。

The 2016 Summer Olympics is due to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 5 to 21 August 2016. 2016年夏季奥运会将于8月5日至21日在里约热内卢举办,

A record number of countries are participating in a record number of sports. More than 10,000 athletes from 2016 National Olympic Committees, including first time entrants Kosovo and South Sudan, are scheduled to take part. 参与奥运的国家总数和赛事项目总数都创下纪录。超过一万名运动员参赛均来自于2016国家奥运委员会成员国,其中包括首次参赛的科索沃和和南苏丹,

With 306 sets of medals, the games will feature 28 Olympic sports -- including rugby sevens and golf, which were added by the International Olympic Committee in 2009. 本届奥运会将产生306个项目的奖牌,共设28个大项,包括七人制橄榄球和高尔夫球,这两项是2009年国际奥委会新批准列入正式项目的。

Rio becomes the first South American city to host the Summer Olympics. 里约奥运会是第一届在南美国家举办的夏季奥运会。

The official emblem for the 2016 Summer Olympics represents three figures, in the yellow, green, and blue of the Brazilian flag,joined at the arms and in a triple embrace, with the overall shape reflecting that of Sugar loaf Mountain. 本届赛事的会徽由三个抽象的人物构成,黄色、绿色、蓝色代表巴西国旗的颜色,牵手相拥在一起,整个形状就像是里约著名的塔糖山。

Vinicius is the mascot of the 2016 Summer Olympics, and Tom,the mascot of the 2016 Summer Paralympics. 维尼休斯是2016夏季奥运会的吉祥物,汤姆是2016夏季残奥会的吉祥物。

The Olympic mascot Vinicius, named after musician Vinicius de Moraes, carries design traits of mammals and represents Brazilian wildlife. 维尼休斯的名字是为了纪念音乐家Vinicius de Moraes,外形像一只哺乳动物,代表了巴西丰富的动物物种。


1. To carry a torch for someone 单相思

For example:

Jane has been carrying the torch for Bill for at least a year. 简已经单恋比尔至少一年了。

2. to jump the gun 操之过急

For example:

Dan was so sure that he would get the job that he quit his old job. Unfortunately, he really jumped the gun. He just found out yesterday he didn't get the job after all. 丹满怀信心以为能得到那份工作,于是他就从原来的单位辞职了。不幸的是,他有点操之过急了。他昨天才知道那份工作并没有选他。

3. to fall at the first hurdle 首战失利

For example:

His dream of marrying Julie fell at the first hurdle when he discovered she was already married. 他想要跟朱莉结婚的梦想一开始就受打击了,他发现人家已经结婚了。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)