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longshot(“long”长的,“shot”射击,那“long shot”是啥呢?)

更新时间:2022-10-23 21:47:04

这几天刷美剧老是刷到一个词组叫做long shot,“long”长的,“shot”射击,那“long shot”是啥呢?


longshot(“long”长的,“shot”射击,那“long shot”是啥呢?)

Long shot是个啥?

首先看看long shot的英文解释:Something that has a very small chance of succeeding.

可以看出long shot表示某个事情成功的可能性非常小,非常渺茫。


① I know it’s a long shot for me to finish the whole marathon. But why not give it a try?I’ve got nothing to lose.


当然在工作场合我们也可以用到浓缩的,比如说你想了一个方案,可能曾经没有人实施过,可能可能性也微乎其微,这个时候你也可以用到long shot呀。

② Although this solution is a long shot, we'll try it and hope it works.


longshot(“long”长的,“shot”射击,那“long shot”是啥呢?)

对了,之前大火的《黄金瞳》,你们看了吗?咔咔才刚开始追,里面有一个东西叫做石。和老外看《黄金瞳》,他说石是个long shot,啥意思?赶紧瞅瞅。

③ - Gambling on Stones is definitely a long shot.

- What’s that?Gambling on stones?

- Stone gambling is like this, sellers show you a lot of stones in their natural state. You buy it, cut it open, if there is a diamond in it, then congratulations, you win! But if there is nothing, boom, you lose.

- Wow, that’s really a long shot!

- 石成功几率太小了!

- 那是什么?石?

- 石就是这样,卖石头的人会给你看很多处于自然状态的石头。你买下来把它切开,如果里面有颗钻石,那么恭喜你,你赢了!但如果什么都没有,轰,你就输了!

- 这也太难赢了吧?

longshot(“long”长的,“shot”射击,那“long shot”是啥呢?)

好了,这就是今天我们long shot的表达了,你学会了吗?

不妨你也来说说你心中的long shot吧,多使用多记忆哦。


longshot(“long”长的,“shot”射击,那“long shot”是啥呢?)


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