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yongshi(Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 党的伟大精神永远是党和国家的宝贵精神财富(五))

更新时间:2022-10-07 16:53:51

(Excerpts from CPC’s Great Spirit Will Always Be an Invaluable Asset to the Party and the Country by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 05, 2021)




Shanxi also carries glorious revolutionary traditions. It was home to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and served as one of the major battlefields in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. The Shanxi-Suiyuan, Shanxi-Qahar-Hebei, and Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan resistance bases were established here. The well-known Battle of Pingxingguan and the famous Hundred-Regiment Campaign also took place in Shanxi. The Taihang spirit and Luliang spirit are invaluable assets of our Party. We should fully tap into these and translate Shanxi’s historical and revolutionary cultural resources into a strong force for driving development here.

—Excerpt from a speech given at the end of a visit to Shanxi Province, May 12, 2020




The Chinese people fostered a great spirit in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. They showed the world a patriotic sense of responsibility for the fate of the nation, a sense of national integrity that empowered people to never yield even in the face of death, a heroic fortitude that instilled in people the courage to fight to the very end, and an unyielding, indomitable belief in victory. This great spirit is precious to all Chinese people. It will forever be a profound source of inspiration that sees the people through all kinds of adversity and difficulty on their way toward national rejuvenation.

—Excerpt from a speech at a meeting commemorating the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Global War Against Fascism, September 3, 2020




In the desperate battle against Covid-19, the Chinese people and Chinese nation demonstrated the courage to fight and win and forged a great spirit of putting life above all else, rallying the entire nation, braving danger, respecting science, and standing together through adversity.

—Excerpt from a speech at a national meeting honoring heroes of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, September 8, 2020




Without an ethos, a person cannot stand firm, nor can a country be strong. Indeed, only through cultural strength can a nation stand tall and firm in the great tide of history. The ability to overcome difficulties demands not only material strength but mental toughness. The great spirit displayed in the battle against Covid-19 is of a common origin with the Chinese nation’s national character and cultural DNA, which evolved over a long period of time. It builds on patriotism, collectivism, and socialism, captures the Chinese spirit, and enriches the ethos of both our nation and our time. We should promote this great spirit in our society and turn it into a powerful source of momentum for building a modern socialist country and rejuvenating the Chinese nation.

—Excerpt from a speech at a national meeting honoring heroes of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, September 8, 2020




A source of strength is vital for scientific achievement. The scientist’s spirit is an invaluable asset that has been developed by science and technology workers through their practical endeavors over many years. Since the founding of the People’s Republic, they have built monument after monument to scientific innovation throughout the country, nurturing a unique spirit in the process. In May 2019, the CPC Central Committee issued the Guidelines on Further Promoting the Scientist’s Spirit and Improving Research Conduct and Academic Integrity. These guidelines called for the promotion of the patriotic spirit of keeping our motherland in our heart and serving the people, the innovative spirit of bravely scaling new heights and being the first to break new ground, the pragmatic spirit of conducting rigorous and painstaking research in pursuit of truth, the dedicated spirit of pursuing research for its own sake and not for fame or riches, the cooperative spirit of solving problems through collective wisdom, and the educational spirit of fully supporting and guiding young talent. Scientists and engineers must shoulder the responsibility of technological innovation that history has given them.

—Excerpt from a speech at a meeting with scientists, September 11, 2020
