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更新时间:2022-09-28 19:00:27



当地时间6月24日,俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡市,来自巴西的女记者茱莉亚·吉马良斯(Julia Guimarães)正面对镜头做一场世界杯现场直播。突然,一名男子从她右侧扑上前,试图强吻她的脸颊。吉马良斯迅速躲开,并在成功闪避后厉声“教育“了该男子一番:“我不允许你这样做,永远不,明白吗?这不礼貌,也不对。永远不要对一个女人这么做,明白了吗?尊重!

Brazilian reporter Julia Guimarães was broadcasting live for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Yekaterinburg when a man attempted to kiss her last Sunday. She quickly dodged the kiss and gave the man a lesson, saying: “I don’t allow you to do that, never! This is not polite. This is not right. Never do this to a woman. OK?Respect!”

吉马良斯的遭遇在网上引发了热议。 事后,她在推特上做出回应:



In Guimarães’s tweet, she wrote it’s “fortunate” that nothing like this has ever happened to her back in Brazil, while “it has happened twice in Russia already.”

据英国《每日邮报》报道,在接受Globo Esporte采访时,她说:“我觉得很无助,很受伤。我不明白为什么他认为自己有权利那样做。”

In an interview with Globo Esporte, Guimarães revealed that the kiss attempt made her feel “helpless” and “vulnerable,” and that she “wanted to understand why he thinks he has a right to do that,”reported the UK’s Daily Mail.


It’s not the first time

就在吉马良斯事件发生的前一周,一起类似性骚扰事件发生在一名哥伦比亚记者身上。这位名叫朱丽斯·冈萨雷斯·泽兰(Julieth Gonzalez Theran)的女记者受聘于《德国之声》,当她在俄罗斯萨兰斯克直播连线时,一名男子突然闯入镜头,抓住她的胸部并亲吻了她的脸颊。

Guimarães is not alone.

Just a week ago, a Columbian sports journalist named Julieth Gonzalez Theran was sexually harassed by an onlooker while she was covering the World Cup in Saransk, Russia. The video posted later shows that a man grabbed her breast and kissed her cheek when she was working for the German media outlet Deutsche Welle.


“I had been at the scene for two hours to prepare for the broadcast and there had been no interruptions”, she told the German broadcaster, adding “When we went live, this fan took advantage of the situation. But afterward, when I checked to see if he was still there, he was gone,” CNN reported.





Theran later posted the video on Instagram, with part of the caption saying: “I share the joy of football, but we must identify the limits between affection and harassment. ”

Her employer also commented: “It is not a kiss, it is a non-consensual attack.”


Well, you are wrong if you think the above are the only two cases of female journalists experiencing sexual assault and harassment in World Cup history.

2014年的巴西世界杯,女记者萨宾娜·西蒙娜多(Sabina Simonato)在巴西圣保罗的大街上直播时,被一名来自克罗地亚的球迷强吻。


Four years ago, when Brazilian reporter Sabina Simonato was broadcasting live from Sao Paolo, she was caught completely by surprise when a Croatia fan walked up to her and planted a kiss on her cheek – but she played it cool.

同样是巴西世界杯,当美国女记者凯蒂·诺兰(Katie Nolan)在做一场德国对阵阿尔及利亚的赛事报道时,因胜利而狂热的德国球迷在她直播的过程中连续亲吻了她两次。


During the same World Cup in Brazil four years ago, American journalist Katie Nolan was reporting live from a German bar after the Germany and Algeria knockout game, when one of the fans got a little bit too close and kissed her twice right in front of the camera. She did her best to hold it together.

And the list goes on…


How are people reacting?






But let’s hear more from the reporters themselves – what do they make of it?






In March 2018, a group of 52 female Brazilian sports journalists launched a campaign to speak out on the sexual harassment they suffer in the course of their work by releasing a video online with the slogan, “Let her work” (#DeixaElaTrabalhar), BBC reported.


One of the reporters says in the video that things like this happen not just in Brazil, but everywhere in the world.

She also said that “women have to understand that they can work whenever they want and wherever they want.”