nba明星为什么吃伟哥(奥多姆服“伟哥” 成分不明或致命(双语))
更新时间:2022-09-11 05:50:33The NBA star is said to have suffered a stroke after ingesting a mix of cocaine and herbal Viagra. A doctor analyzes what effects mixing those drugs can have on the brain and body.
Lamar Odom, NBA star and ex-husband of reality TV fixture Khloé Kardashian, was rushed to the hospital yesterday after losing consciousness at a Nevada brothel. Breaking updates indicate he may have suffered from one or more strokes
According to those at the brothel with him, he had been taking large quantities of “herbal Viagra.” It is also being reported that he was found to have a substantial amount of cocaine in his system, though no illegal drugs were found near him at the time.
It is difficult to know with certainty exactly what was in the supplements Odom was ingesting. Unfortunately, even Odom himself may not have had much idea what it was he was taking so much of. If the reports of cocaine use bear out, the combination may have been deadly.
Unlike prescription medications, herbal supplements are not regulated for safety and efficacy by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Despite the assumptions many make about supposedly natural alternatives to pharmaceutical products, they may contain dangerous quantities of the active ingredients found in the plants from which they are derived. Alternatively, they may contain ingredients totally different from what’s on the label, or no active ingredients whatsoever. This year, the Attorney General of New York issued cease and desist letters to several major retailers after DNA analysis showed that supplements being sold supposedly with ingredients like valerian or St. John’s wort instead were either unrecognizable or came from totally different plants.
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