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更新时间:2022-08-21 05:48:01



According to the Chinese zodiac, 2018 is the Year of the Dog. Since domestication, dogs have been our friends, playmates, protectors and caregivers. The animal has become such an important part in human history and we celebrate them in dozens of movies, plays, books, statues and poems. Among all these canines, these five may be the most famous in real life or onscreen.

  • 八公







The faithful Hachi is held up as an example of loyalty and fidelity across the world. Most people got to know him from a 2009 British-American drama film called Hachi: A Dog's Tale. It is based on the true story of the faithful Hachikō, an Akita dog born on a farm near the Japanese city of Ōdate in the Akita Prefecture. He is remembered for his remarkable love his owner, for whom he continued to wait for nine years, nine months and fifteen days following his death.

His loyalty impressed the Japanese, and later, the rest of the world. After his death, he continues to be remembered in popular culture worldwide, with movies, books, and appearances in various media. A well-known Japanese artist rendered a sculpture of the dog raising renewed interest and awareness in the Akita breed throughout Japan.

  • 乌吉





凭借此部电影,乌吉收获了众多奖项,包括戛纳国际电影节 “狗棕榈奖”和第一届“金项圈奖”,可谓风光无限。同时他也是史上第一只将“爪印”留在好莱坞中国大剧院的狗狗。英国媒体人霍尔登甚至为他写下自传《Uggie, My Story》,书中介绍了他如何从流浪狗成为好莱坞巨星的故事,还在书中呼吁以认养代替购买。不幸的是,乌吉因长年受前列腺肿瘤折磨,2012年正式息影,2015年8月7日被主人奥玛·冯·穆勒在洛杉矶家中实施了安乐死。“他是一只伟大的狗狗。” 穆勒接受采访时说道。


Uggie was a trained Jack Russell Terrier dog famous for his role in The Artist. He was abandoned by at least his first two owners, but was luckily adopted by animal trainer Omar Von Muller. Von Muller discovered that he was very smart and very willing to work, and then started rewarding him to perform.

Uggie's earliest roles were in commercials, getting his first big break in the romantic drama Water for Elephants. But the role in 2011 silent movie The Artist was the one that really brought him global attention, with some critics saying he was "stealing every scene." For his stunts and performance, Uggie won the Palm Dog Award for best performance by a canine at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. On June 25, 2012, he had his paw prints placed in cement at Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

  • 任丁丁








Rin Tin Tin was a male German Shepherd who became an international star in motion pictures. He was rescued from a World War I battlefield by an American soldier, Lee Duncan, who trained Rin Tin Tin and obtained silent film work for the dog. Rin Tin Tin was an immediate box-office success and went on to appear in 27 Hollywood films, gaining worldwide fame.

Rin Tin Tin was so popular at the time that according to author Susan Orlean, the dog received the most votes for Best Actor at the first Academy Award competition in 1929, but the Academy wished to appear more serious, so they decided to have a human actor win the award. In 1960, Rin Tin Tin was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1627 Vine Street.

  • 史努比







As for fictional dogs, one of the most known characters must be Snoopy, Charlie Brown's pet beagle in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. Since his debut on October 4, 1950, Snoopy has become one of the most recognizable and iconic characters in the comic strip.

The original drawings of Snoopy were inspired by Spike, one of Schulz's childhood dogs. Snoopy is a loyal, innocent, imaginative and good-natured beagle who is prone to imagining fantasy lives, including being an author, a college student known as "Joe Cool" and a World War I Royal Flying Corps ace.

Snoopy and Charlie Brown were ranked by TV Guide as the 8th greatest cartoon characters of all time. On November 2, 2015, Snoopy was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  • 白雪



白雪是一只刚毛猎狐梗,他的名字译自Milou,来源于埃尔热初恋女友Marie-Louise Van Cutsem的昵称。在漫画中白雪是一只人性化的小狗,时常能够通过动作和表情与丁丁进行对话。虽然在丁丁曲折的历险中,白雪经常因为一些小毛病误事,但更多情况下,白雪对于丁丁更像是救世主一般的存在,总能助丁丁化险为夷。



Snowy is a brave, clever white Wire Fox Terrier who is a companion to Tintin, the protagonist in The Adventures of Tintin, the comic series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé.


He debuted on January 10, 1929, in the first installment of Tintin in the Land of the Soviets. He is able to understand human language, and throughout the series, Snowy is Tintin's sidekick and companion on journeys. Along with Tintin, he is the only character to appear in all of the volumes.

The story of Snowy and Tintin has been adapted to various works including The Adventures of Tintin television series in 1991, and the 2011 motion capture film The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn.

