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更新时间:2022-08-15 00:17:01


Los Angeles will host the 2028 Summer Olympics after reaching a deal with Olympic organizers, the Los Angeles Times reported on Monday, citing an unnamed source close to the negotiation.洛杉矶时报于星期一报道,一位未透露姓名的知情人士表示,在与奥运会组织者达成协议后,洛杉矶将举办2028年夏季奥运会。

The agreement paves the way for the 2024 Summer Games to be awarded to Paris.该协议为巴黎取得2024年夏季奥运会的举办权创造了条件。

A formal announcement about which city would host and when was not expected until September when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is set to meet in September in Lima, Peru.国际奥委会预定将于9月在秘鲁利马召开会议,预计在那之前将不会正式公布举办奥运会的城市和时间。

Los Angeles had argued that it could host a low-cost Olympics given that it already has all the necessary infrastructure in place, while Paris would need to build several expensive structures.洛杉矶市政府主张,考虑到洛杉矶已经具备所有的必要基础设施,它可以举办一场小成本的奥运会,而巴黎将需要建造数个耗资巨大的建筑。

But recent bids by Paris had been passed over and many felt the French capital was due to get the nod for the 2024 Games.不过巴黎最近的投标被忽略了,而且许多人认为这是因为巴黎已获得举办2024年奥运会的许可。

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti in June had indicated that while Los Angeles would prefer to host the Games in 2024, it was not opposed to playing host in 2028.洛杉矶市长埃里克·伽西提在六月份表示,虽然洛杉矶更愿意举办2024年奥运会,但他们也不会反对举办2028年奥运会。

