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更新时间:2022-08-11 14:09:33





Highest medal won at the Beijing winter Olympics 2022


You should have made a new category colour for those that aren't even competing... Otherwise it is slightly misleading as it is.

There should be a colour denoting countries who weren't there

Fun Facts From Finland : Out of the eight medals we got, FIVE was given to the Niskanen family alone.
Also, there was Tanja Niskanen in the women's ice hockey team, no relation to Iivo and Kerttu.

The Balkans... The poor Balkans

The situation here is just depressing, Yugoslavia used to host winter olympics, however today ex-Yugoslav states (with exception of Slovenia) simply refuse to even pay for their athletes to compete. Olympic games aren't a science - you invest money in your population to practice from young age and at one point you will certainly produce medal winning athletes. The 90s simply destroyed any winter sports culture that ever existed and no money is ever being invested into such sports. All Balkan states combined send as many athletes as Slovenia alone, we aren't even trying.
What hurts me most is that the Balkans are a mountainous region that always has snow during winter and thus has many ski resorts. We should be able to produce some athletes ...

这里的情况令人沮丧,南斯拉夫曾经举办过冬季奥运会,但今天的前南斯拉夫各国(斯洛文尼亚除外)甚至拒绝为他们的运动员支付参赛费用。奥运会不是一门科学——你需要在你的人口中挑选投资他们,从小就开始练习,在某一时刻,你肯定能培养出获得奖牌的运动员。90 年代的战争简单地摧毁了任何曾经存在的冬季运动文化,并且没有任何资金投入到此类运动中。巴尔干所有国家派出的运动员加起来和斯洛文尼亚一样多,我们甚至没有尝试过。
Is Slovenia considered part of the Balkans? They always seem to do well at the Winter Olympics, especially for a country of its size.

It isn't that Yugoslavia was a powerhouse when it comes to winter sports. Yugoslavia won its first medal on the winter olympics only in 1984 in Sarajevo on home turf and that was a silver by Jure Franko. In 1988, Yugoslavia won 3 medals (2 silver and 1 bronze). So not a single gold one in 70 years. All those medals won in Yugoslavia were won by Slovenians. So current results are nothing out of the ordinary.
After the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992 (9 winter olympics), Croatia won 4 gold (3x 2002 and 1x 2006), 6 silver and 1 bronze (last medal won was a silver in 2014). Slovenia won 4 gold (2 each in 2014 and 2022), 8 silver and 12 bronze (with no medals in 1992, 1998 and 2006).

在冬季运动方面,南斯拉夫并不是一个强国。南斯拉夫仅在 1984 年在萨拉热窝的冬奥会主场赢得了它在冬季奥运会上的第一枚奖牌,那是 Jure Franko 获得的银牌。1988年,南斯拉夫获得3枚奖牌(2银1铜)。所以整个70年它都没有获得过一枚金牌。而且南斯拉夫获得的所有奖牌都是斯洛文尼亚人获得的。所以目前的结果并没有什么不寻常的。
1992 年南斯拉夫解体后的(9 次冬奥会),克罗地亚获得 4 枚金牌(2002 年 3 次和 2006 年 1 次)、6 银和 1 铜(最后一枚奖牌是 2014 年的银牌)。斯洛文尼亚赢得了 4 枚金牌(2014 年和 2022 年各 2 枚)、8 枚银牌和 12 枚铜牌(1992 年、1998 年和 2006 年没有奖牌)。
Well Croatia have some good alpine skiers like Zubčić, Kolega, Vidović etc.. Zubčić was in top 3 Giant slalom skiers, but this season his form isn't that good, he got only one 3rd place in slalom. Also, Kostelić family has won 4 gold, and 6 silver olympic medals, and Janica Kostelic is most decorated olympic alpine skier ever (if I'm not wrong).. problem with winter sports in Croatia is that there is no any traditions in other winter sports beside alpine skiing.. and for alpine skiing, we have to go in Slovenia, Austria or Bosnia, because winters are short and not that cold.. also, we have just two ski venues for practice in Croatia, one is in Zagreb, and one is near Rijeka. But anyway, we are spending money on ridiculous snow queen trophy in Zagreb.. it would be much better if we would spend that money on youth training in Slovenia or any other country with better facilities. So alpine skiing is the only sport here which have some kind of tradition, but we also won one bronce medal in biathlon, 2010.. problem with Croatian sport is that we don't have any system that would help develop young talents, we just have some sort of system in football.. almost every village here have their own local football club where all categories basically can play competitive football.. if nothing will change in future, every other sport in croatia could be dead..

克罗地亚有一些优秀的高山滑雪运动员,如祖布契奇、科莱加、维多维奇等。祖布契奇在大回转滑雪运动员中排名前三,但本赛季他的状态并不好,他在激流回旋中只获得了第三名。此外,科斯特利奇家族赢得了 4 枚金牌和 6 枚奥运会银牌,而贾尼卡·科斯特利奇是有史以来获得最多荣誉的奥林匹克高山滑雪运动员(如果我没记错的话)。
克罗地亚冬季运动的问题在于除了高山滑雪之外其他冬季运动项目方面没有任何传统.....高山滑雪,我们必须去斯洛文尼亚、奥地利或波斯尼亚,因为冬季很短,也没有那么冷.....而且,我们在克罗地亚只有两个滑雪场地可以练习,一个在萨格勒布,一个在里耶卡附近。但无论如何,我们在萨格勒布为荒谬的雪女王奖杯花钱。如果我们将这笔钱花在斯洛文尼亚或任何其他设施更好的国家的青年培训上,那就更好了。所以高山滑雪是这里唯一有某种传统的运动,但我们也在 2010 年冬季两项中获得了一枚铜牌。克罗地亚运动的问题是我们没有任何有助于培养年轻人才的系统,我们只在足球上有某种(青少年)选拔制度......几乎这里的每个村庄都有自己的当地足球俱乐部,所有这些俱乐部基本上都可以踢竞技足球。如果未来没有任何改变,克罗地亚的其他所有运动都可能濒临死亡。
Well we don’t win a lot of gold medals at the Winter Olympics in Australia. This was our first one since 2010
But it surprises me we even get any gold medals, since you have to go to another country half way across the world or get synthetic snow to even practice for most of the events

好吧,我们澳大利亚的冬季奥运会上赢得的金牌不多。这次是我们自 2010 年以来第一次获得金牌
原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 转载请注明出处

There are several places you can go skiing only a few hours out of both Melbourne and Sydney. Or in other words, half of the Aussie population can get to a ski lift in three hours.
Make no mistake, they are not fantastic resorts ..but not terrible either.

If takes about 6-7 hours from Sydney

如果从悉尼出发大约得需要 6-7 小时
I imagine Aussie skiing is equivalent to americans skiing in say North Carolina/Virginia. You can do it, but the slopes arent as steep, nor is natural snow as consistent as one would like

Yep, that’s about it. Snow season only last for two months tops But what it does is it introduces a lot of people to it.. and since this is quite a rich country, considerable number of kids have the means to pursue this newfound passion properly elsewhere. Without our own ski resorts, chances are they never would have tried.

Belgium's last golden medal at the winter olympics dates back to 1948.It's the 2nd gold medal Belgium has ever won on the winter olympics.

I didn’t know why Denmark doesn’t do well at Winter Olympics as its neighbors.

Denmark actually got nothing.....
